Birds have nests and foxes have holes
but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head!!!
ya know the church buildings took that parable and in their lack of any spiritual depth and understanding have taught the people that Jesus was poor with no home!!! Because he had to be being money is the root of all evil!!!
truth is this. That is NOT what He was saying
birds BIRTH in nests and Foxes BIRTH in holes
while GOD Births in the head(MIND)!!!
meaning Christians are suppose to walk through life with the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of God!!!
how does this apply to you and sports betting?
In this world as a whole you have many foxes!
people always looking to out smart you to take your money, money which God in proverbs says is the Answer to All things!!! You need MONEY in this crazy ass world we live in.
there is ZERO chance of survival in this world against the Foxes looking to devour you without you and I being much much more wiser than them. And there is no one more wise than of course GOD!!!
Now being that God himself tells us that he gives freely his wisdom to all who ask without reproach(without viewing anyone as guilty of anything) that means you and I have the ability to outsmart the very smartest!!!
not because we are smart but because we were smart enough to ASK God for his wisdom!!!
we can talk here on many things. Lines. Golden Rules and many more secrets on how to make the MONEY that answers all things that these foxes have stolen from you,
but we will never get anywhere without us constantly being found asking God to OPEN OUR EYES. We want to see all things as He sees!!!
once you begin doing that, you will outsmart the very smartest and no Fox will ever be able to destroy you and your household.
it doesn’t mean we won’t lose our share of battles but it does mean we will be victorious over every war!!!