LOCK THREAD CONCEPT - This thread has been created for all of us to share our expertise with everyone else to benefit the group.
THIS IS NOT A PICKING CONTEST! PLEASE make special note of this!!! If you have an area of expertise, please make some LOCK choices from your area of expertise when you have a game you are confident enough in to call it a "LOCK". The difference between a PICK and a LOCK is that a PICK is a game you like, a LOCK is a game that you KNOW. If you are claiming your choice is a LOCK, and you really have NO true knowledge of that game, then you are just cheating us and posting your PICK just for attention and to see your name on the board.
RULES FOR POSTING - We will not track your LOCK if you do not follow these rules. You are welcome to still post your PICK or card, but unless you do the things below, we won't be putting your LOCK on the spreadsheet.
- Post only 1 LOCK per day. You may post a MAXIMUM of 4 LOCKS per week. A week starts on Monday, and ends on Sunday. Choose NCAA, NBA, NFL, or NHL. You do not have to stay in one sport.
- No buying points for LOCKS.
- No other "line-manipulations: like teasers, etc.
- No parlays.
- No props
- LOCKS need to be -129 or better. Anything -130 and over, take the -1.5 goals or runs if you feel like it is still a LOCK.
- Do not try to cheat on lines. We, as a group, are all over the lines and every time someone gives a stinky spread, it is always called out. If the line is off, the LOCK doesn't go into the spreadsheet.
- LOCKS MUST be posted 30 min. before the game is set to go off, anything less than 30 minutes the LOCK will not count.
MOST IMPORTANT RULE! - You must give an original explanation as to why you KNOW this LOCK will win. And don't just "stat" us to death. Tell us about the game. DO NOT COPY YOUR WRITE-UPS! People on this thread are all over the internet and will find your plagiarism. I guarantee it. You can use Last 10, ATS, etc., numbers to support your argument, but stats from a gambling website are not an explanation. Also, how about if you have actually SEEN the team play that you pick. I'd say that if you haven't seen a team play at least a few times, you can't really be an expert on the said team.
Thank you for your understanding and your help in keeping this thread for the benefit of everybody, not just a place for you to blather out random picks and toot your own horn.