Teams with a WIN ATS Streak Record , to stop
10-0 win streaks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not Cover,,,,,,( 0-0 )
9-0 win streaks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not cover,,,,,,,( 0-0 )
8-0 win streaks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not cover,,,,,,,( 1-0 )Pending Fordham 12/29
7-0 win streaks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not cover,,,,,,,( 2-2) 1 pend
6-0 win streaks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not cover,,,,,,,( 5-5) Pending 4 teams ( see above post #6)
5-0 win streaks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not cover,,,,,,,( 2-14) Appears to play all 5-0 to cover, and go to 6-0 Pending Iowa 12/31/2012
4-0 win streaks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not cover,,,,,,,( 19-19) Pending Madison 01/02/13
3-0 win streaks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to not cover,,,,,,,(Eliminating level 3 plays ) too much to follow
Just keep an EYE out for Teams with 5-0 STREAKS as very Profitable at 14-2 to continue to 6-0
The 5-0 win streaks are very interesting if you compare with this year