40-27 +47 units
losing a total of 1 units last week , yest i couldnt post my plays
but in the week i won with unc, lose with ksst 2h and won under 31 stanford
just quick thoughts---- im just disappointed Ksst looked like shiet yesterday, their offense couldnt roll over FBS worst Defense and their defense looked like FBS worst .... so there you have it...
about oregon, man im soooo happyy , oregon has been money for me, but that doesnt mean i dont despise them as an Stanford Fan,and taking a part of an ESPN article "" Anyway, Oregon was outscored, out-first downed, outrushed, out-passed, outgained, out-time of possessioned, outdone on third-down conversions, outdone on fourth-down conversions and generally out-muscled. As an added bonus, Oregon is also, for the moment, on the outside looking in when it comes to the BCS championship."" of course i was rooting for them, to spoil ducks title hopes, now, we have a shot at completing the revenge, if ...IF we win to UCLA... anything can happen, but i love my chances, both UCLA will be in an emotional roller coaster next week as the bruins also won to USC----
congrats to coach Jim Mora what he accomplished in his 1st year is to tip your hats, a complete 360 turn around of a program that was trash last year now they have a chance for the roses...and how bout Shaw, he has completely stepped out of the shadow of harbaugh, he not only won to USC, he won to Oregon in the same season,

ND... i still think they gotta tons of love, but they are still a so-so team, yes they won to stanford, well for me and for thousands that was more a fix tree got robbed, then a slim win over BYU,puerdue,...OU win doesnt impress me at all, the irish will get CRUSHED by bama
yes Bama will be back ... if you people think they will lose to UGA on the SEC championship....well then u dont know Buick.
special mention to sumlin, T&AM and mizzou were expected both to be trashed and gashed by the far more athletic SEC, well it came out the aggies gave a head ache to the SEC elite, well im not sure Gators are SEC elite, but anyway, watch out SEC the aggies will you guys a hard time.
and how about them buck eyes, to bad u guys werent eligible, nevertheless, its pretty clear who will command the big ten for the years to come, Meyer was the coach this program needed, not that tressel trash
speaking of new comers, how about WVGA, indeed this will be a hard time in the big-x11 and when geeno is gone...well

ok now its time for the bottom 10--damn there wont be bottom 10, everything went....as its supposed, well almost
1.-Hawaii...yeah... after or first opening scoring drive of the season.... you manage 0 1st downs on 2h and couldnt capitalize on AF mistakes that leave you guys in the redzone... fumbled a clear TD and your poor tackling allowed AF to make a rushing TD when u had the RB 7 yards behind the end zone
2.-Ksst-- u had it all within ur grasp, but just decided not to go to waco and play, hence you just shiet the bed....
3.-USC-- well Lane Kiffin this douche bad needs to go down as one of the most overated lack of talent and vishion coach....in the history of this program, how come with the talent this guy had...he acomplished---- nothing