Matt, this discussion is a good one but i need to examine two things you stated that are false or unfounded.
1. the victim is just now coming out and saying this is false, do you know why that is? because nothing happened and people were not aware until 2011 that mcqueary saw a "rape". in fact thats not even what mcqueary said, its what the AG said in a press conference. IT WAS A LIE! so when all this came out victim 2 said "this did not happen" then the prosecutors decided this was the only witness they could or would not call to the stand and acted like they could not find vic 2. when vic 2 was known (the prosecutors knew whom he was the entire time) they could not use him because it would destroy their case. they decided to use vic 2 as a way to get national attention to fry sandusky. it worked, but vic 2 was not raped that day in the showers if you believe vic 2 and a jury. thus anything about penn state should be dismissed as none of the other victims had any accusations of being raped on psu campus. that really should be the end of penn state and joe paterno in this story.
2. i am not minimizing psu actions, there were no actions to minimize because they did not know what they were dealing with here. mcquery never told one official there was a rape because there wasnt one the night he went there. he could not even get the YEAR right. sandusky fooled these kids, these kids parents, the 2nd mile charity, former players, citizens, high schools and so on.
3. i would be shocked if all of those guys you mention go to jail at all and maybe even their cases get thrown out. there is a newly elected AG and she campaigned that she would be sure to find out why Gov. Tom Corbett sat on this for years all the while he took donations from Sandusky's foundation knowing full well they had an investigation. She has also said she would be one to seek the truth as to why the former AG made a statement such as "anal rape" in a press conference when that is not what happened (according to a jury and victim 2)
4. these kids and at least two mothers have stated they are angry psu has any sanctions (though i am sure they will line up for a civil suit, why not when penn st board is willing to hand them out?),
5. the penn state board of trustees made this way worse than anyone could imagine because they were not prepared for a media firestorm and created a pr disaster
6. the emails, are you kidding me? the emails say "coach", joe hated being called coach, in fact he is quoted in the book written by posnanski as yellling at a player for calling him "coach", he said "i dont call you player, dont call me coach!" on the other hand sandusky wanted to be called coach by everyone (guess why) even after he was employed by the school. so those emails that freeh found that state "after talking to coach" was taken by the media as paterno. while there is i guess a small chance it was paterno, nobody, not even his players called him "coach", they called him JOE, as he demanded.
have you watched the videos? you need to, its done by an independent john ziegler and georgetown grad who has not ties to penn state. he is on a mission to get the truth out there.
there are 3 people in regards to this
1. people who believed everything the media fed them and what the AG said of anal rape on psu grounds (false) and nothing will ever change their mind, they feel if they do they in some sick way are supporting sandusky (false) and cannot take that stand.
2. pure die hard penn state people who think joe could never do a wrong, the school and people in this country are just too good to let this happen and will defend penn state or whomever and they really dont care what anyone says
3. people like me, who have read the freeh report 3 times, who have picked up the posnanski paterno book and read it, have talked to many prominent alumni, who have examined all angles in this and can say while there was no "cover up" because it makes zero sense, there may have been negligence. lets wait for the trials of the 3 you mentioned to come out and lets get some truth and facts before we judge anyone (besides the rapist sandusky).
thats all, everything happened so fast, the media misreported so much, the freeh report was a huge mistake by the university (he basically made assumptions, interviewed no one with substance and his past is sketchier than anyone but sandusky involved in this)