I haven't posted since before the Louisville Clemson game....Just haven't cared to post much anymore honestly. I told you all exactly how that game would go down and im here to talk about a few things now since the season is over.
Last season when the season was over I was VERY outspoken on why I thought the committee made a huge injustice putting Ohio st in over Penn st. At the time I was called crazy and how Ohio st was clearly the better team by MANY on here...I thought the committee learned from their mistakes.... I really did. Let's talk a little about this selection shall we.....
Before the season started I created a thread on here stating the facts about how I thought Clemson and Alabama were just heads and shoulders above the rest of college football....and I still stand behind that statement. Many on here said I was crazy for thinking Clemson would be back and dominate like they have after losing sooooo many players.... But I understand why so many would think that....just like I have come to understand why Vegas was built... ( you following me )...
What im about to say is not a smack in the face to Alabama.... it's really not, it's about what I believe the truth is.
Alabama DID NOT deserve the 4th spot of the playoffs.... they simply didn't. Do I think they're among the 4 best teams in the country? Maybe... But did the committee get it right??? Absolutely not.
For years you all have heard my complaints about ESPN and how I think they control sports...I think they brainwash most of you. They repeat the same thing over and over and over and over....and then most of you will just believe it. We have to STOP letting ESPN control things, honestly.... I'm glad they're crumbling.
The biggest lie about the college football playoffs is the myth called " 4 best vs 4 most deserving ".... This is not even up for debate with me.... It should always be about the 4 most deserving.... Every time. Let me explain why............... for every 100 people in this forum what will you have 100% of the time? A different opinion

I'm not here to debate whether Alabama is or isn't better than Ohio st. We will never know.... they didn't play each other, so we will never know the truth. I can't tell you who's better......Now if the game is played and one beats the other then we would know. But this notion of " best vs deserving " is the worst debate.
Let me use this example.... or two examples. If we went by that notion then Alabama would be exempt from any type of scrutiny. They are favored in EVERY game they play....They're even favored against Clemson right now. They're favored because that's what " we/vegas " say they should be.... We say that ( us people )...DID you know that Clemson has now been the dog every playoff game they have ever played in??? Did you know that? Why is that? Cause that was our perception..... we have this problem with perception in this country. Clemson's 5 playoff games have been like this:
2015 Clemson vs Oklahoma -4.5
2015 Clemson vs Bama -6.5
2016 Clemson vs Ohio st -4.5
2016 Clemson vs Bama -7
2017 Clemson vs Bama -1.5
Why is that you think? Cause so many " experts "...." ESPN propaganda experts " anoint teams by what???? By what you think?
By what they THINK to be true

So getting back to point here...... The committee is granting teams by who they believe are the " best "....and that wrong.
Another analogy..... a little league basketball tournament takes place... The best overall #1 seed goes down early in the tournament... The team that beat them played wonderful, could they beat that #1 team again if they tried 3 more times? Maybe not..... But then the tournament director comes in and says guys.... we know you " EARNED it on the floor ".... But all of our members really believe that this #1 team is better..... we just believe there better... Why? you say??? We just believe that.
Alabama did not EARN anything..... not this season they didn't... they sat at home Saturday and watched everybody else play and did nothing to EARN it..... Again... im not telling you Ohio st is better then Bama.... im not. I'm just stating the facts that this committee/ESPN/TALKING heads keeps influencing sports.
Alabama is a tremendous program/dynasty...whatever.... but this time, they didn't deserve it. Who did??? Im not sure.... but it wasn't them.
Keep this thought in mind when it comes to all phases of life....
It's not about what you think should happen or what you think is owed to you that will make you successful....it will ALWAYS be about what you did to earn it.
Haven't posted any plays this season.... Nor did I during the regular season last season as well... But I did post a play on every bowl game last year and racked up

GL men