Quote Originally Posted by Hugh_Jorgan:
This piece of advice is coming from someone who has been at this longer than most of you guys have been alive ...
#1 Quit gambling.
#2 Meet your bookie and explain to him that you have a gambling problem. Tell him to cut you off ... or better yet demand that he cut you off!
#3 Give him whatever money you have now, and NEGOTIATE a price to pay off the balance. If you owe him $2,000, he will take $1,200, or there about in weekly payments of $100.
#4 Most importantly, never forget #1 above

Fantastic advice! I am very close to a book, he is the smartest, most handsome, and best child a mother could wish for haha :) First if I was a book I would have a way to find out where you live, you work, and your mommy lives so if a girl like rod12 threatened me I would have my collector pay a visit and it wouldn’t be to collect. I would have my info guy ruin your credit, get you fired, get you arrested, and scare the weakest person I thought you loved the most. I would probably be someone with a great reputation and lots of connections in all worlds, including criminals and the justice system. Gamblers come from all social classes so never a good idea to threaten your guy. Haha ahh I would love to smack you rod12 :)
Just be straight with your guy. You said he has a middle guy pay and collect but do you talk to the main guy when you call or is it an online or text info, a few around here are local but use texts to send lines and take plays and one does the internet which I think is stupid. It is important because you want to talk to the main guy, not the middle guy bc you want to make sure the message is correct. If you have to nicely ask your middle guy to have the main call you. DO NOT whine or make stupid excuses, just say you f’d up and show true remorse or even shame. It is not the first time they have dealt with it, trust me that people call fast as hell to collect but play games when they pay. So relax, they have dealt with it and like the guy said 5k isn’t that much.
Do not try to chase if you plan on working out something! I would not be nice to someone like that and the first time you didn’t pay I would sell your debt and you don’t want that, trust me. He wants you to keep playing, he doesn’t want you in this position. Better to have a guy lose 5k for the season than 5k in one wk that you can’t afford. If he thinks you are going to play again it will help you. So admit you got in over your head and after you settle you plan on just playing dollars, halves, or whatever. Even if you plan on quitting.
Pay what you can afford, he really doesn’t want you suffering bc that means a better chance you stop haha. Don’t tell him you can pay $500 a wk if you can’t. If you can only afford 2 bills or whatever that’s cool, just be freaking honest. Don’t go to the f’ing casino when you say you have no money bc it was your 10 yr anniversary hahaha, yes it has happened, bc a lot of sports gamblers go to the casino and he WILL find out. Dont buy a new car or tv, whatever, your book is most likely well respected and has a lot of loyal people that will tell him. So don’t person around! If for some reason you can’t pay anything for a week call him ASAP and be honest. It means more than you realize, 90% of pricks hide. So man up and you will be treated like a man, act like a girl Rod12 and you get it.
You honestly should quit, it only gets worse and ruins your life. The low is so much worse than the high. If you know you can quit then offer what you can get that is reasonable, depends on guy but if your cool $1,500-2k is fine. I’d rather have cash then chase you around and use resources. If you want to play then like I said earlier just pay what you can afford and what you can every week. If you say 200 and have an extra $20 give $220, he may end up giving you a break for actually caring enough to try.
So just relax and know your not close to the only person down too much to pay and I bet people owe a lot more. Just admit you screwed up and that you feel bad, he deals with a ton of fool so being one of the few decent people goes far.
Good luck and sorry, I just despise people like Rod12 and wish he owed me hahaha. Oh garbage one quick last thing haha. If you have any talents like roofing, plumbing, and so on or have connections offer them as payment. Books are people too and love money so love to save it too! My buddy had a nice saltwater aquarium installed in is wall a few wks ago and is very happy, plus it helped both out :) Just an idea.