Totals 12 - 8 +9
Overall 33 - 14 + 41 ( 70.2% )
This past week is what I like to call the " facts ". Facts you say! Yes, Facts. The facts are there are some people in this forum who IMO, just don't get it. Now Im not talking about all of you. The ones who im talking about know who they are. Some of you continue to run your mouths and tell me im a idiot about things and guess where it gets you? Right here on the first page of my weekly thread. I lay it out and tell you how it's going to happen and you still won't listen....but here is the good news. You have a chance to get in here and make it right. As for week 5, get ready.
1. Let's start out with the machine I call G.T. These guys are really good people. Yesterday I know they barely covered, but let's just be honest here, These guys should have won that game by 3 td's. A fumble on the 5 yd line and a dropped wide open pass for a td. Either way, if your not on board here get with the program. G.T is a well oiled machine.
2. My weekly SEC evaluation. LSU looks solid as they come. These guys are just super athletic. Are they the best team in the SEC? No, Alabama still is. Why? I told you guys about two weeks ago that not only was Alabama's defense the best in college football. It may be the best we have seen in many years. If you hold Arkansas to 14 points, you have done well. BTW... my prediction of nobody scoring 17 points or more on Bama will pan out.
3. A few things that I saw yesterday that was really mind blowing and just down right laughable. Maryland, are you serious. Temple just rolled into the house and stomped a mud hole in your ass. Minnesota, WTF are you doing. One more loss to another FCS team and you will have your man card pulled. Last but not least, the idiot who started a thread yesterday entitled " SEC ~SEC~SEC... are you kidding me. Cheering for conferences is the dumbest thing i have ever seen. Please for the sake of you guys embarrassing yourselves... stop posting and ask the mods to ban your accounts.
4. Can somebody please explain to me how Clemson scored 35 points on the " nations " best defense? I mean really, this is all I heard all week. Clemson cant score on FSU, FSU just took the nations best team toe to toe. Guess what !! Clemson just took you and your defense to the woodshed. Another thing that I just don't understand is how in the hell don't some of you guys see that is offense is very explosive and dynamic. Sammy Watkins, Good God...enough said.
5. Here is the truth, either Missouri is better than we thought, or Oklahoma was still a little banged up. I think Missouri is a team who will only get better with time. The big strong QB, Franklin is improving every week. Keep your eye on this team. I know there 2 - 2, but I see bigger things down the road for these guys.
6. You know, I dont know if there's anything better then watching Lane Kiffen get his ass kicked and blown out. I mean these guys are poorly coached and pathetic. Good gracious. Mark it down, Lane will be fired by the end of the next season. USC has too much pride to play this poorly, and especially on defense.... Hey Monte!! Hows that Tampa Two working in the college ranks? Welcome to the spread offense era and speed.
7. I think the boys from Michigan are starting to believe that they can play as a team. Remember back in the summer in my yearly breakdown of Michigan? I said that Brady Hoke is the future of Michigan Football. 4 games in, check. Are they going to be great this season or go to a BCS bowl? Absolutely not. But I think the future is bright for this team and lets just be honest here. College football is a better place when Michigan is relevant.
8. Robert Griffin, what else can you say. I know with out a doubt that if this cat played at a major contender then that team would win the BCS national trophy. Seriously, I think this is a great kid and role model for his team and there community. Records will be broken this season and teams will be shocked when they play the Baylor Bears. I guess my pre season prediction of Baylor being the Big 12 sleeper has a little steam to it.
9. I have to do it so just bare with me Gamecock fans. Are you guys not thanking God every day of your lives that you have Marcus Lattimore. I mean really, with out this guy right now, you probably lose to Navy and Georgia. As a Clemson fan I tip my hat for this guy. I think he is a out standing player, student and person. Now to that other guy, Garcia. Wow. What the hell is wrong with this cat? Get it fixed or you will lose a lot of games down the road.
10. Man the weeks are going by to fast. I love college football and all that comes with it. We are a 1/4 of the way through now so if you are struggling or feel your at a road block. Stay the course, trust me. I have been doing this for a long time now, Im only 30 years old but I have had the sickness ( college football junkie ) since I was 8 years old playing parlay cards with Dad. The guy who taught me so much, I miss the old man so much and every Saturday just isn't the same with out him. But as he told me an I tell you, stay focused... the best is yet to come.
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