Totals 15 - 15 - .5
Overall 47 - 26 + 42.5 ( 64.3% )
Here is the deal. I go 6 - 6 this past week breaking even and to be honest with you, I couldn't be more frustrated with the way most of these games ended. I think the moose is out and about right now in college football. But I like I told you boys last week, forget about it, move on and focus on what you can control. im at 50% for the year on totals and its been a lot of years seen I've struggled with totals. Well, if you consider 50% struggling I guess. I have heard a ton of shit talking about my totals, let me tell you boys about my totals. They are consistently winners in the long haul. So I don't want to hear another word about it. Get ready, strap in, I'm about destroy week 7...get ya mind right.
1. I think its pretty damn obvious that Oklahoma is a much better football team than Texas. What did I tell you boys? What did I say about big games and QB's? Oklahoma is a big physical athletic team who will impose there will on just about anybody. Texas on the other hand, there still young. So really there isn't anything to be ashamed about if your a Texas fan, your time is coming.
2. Out with old ( Steven Garcia ) and in with the new ( Conner Shaw ). Look here is the deal, Im a huge Clemson fan. There isn't anything in this world I hate more than the South Carolina Gamecocks. But as all of you know, I m a realist. I know how good this S.C team really is. With Conner Shaw now at QB I think were about to see an explosion on S.C behalf. South Carolina is a damn good football team. Man oh man, when Clemson and S.C meet in late November, what a ball game were gonna see.
3. Lets talk about some of these moose going on around football this past week, mostly teams that I played. UNC, Im lost for words on how that game ended. W.V total, really I had the under. So you guys just completely nuts and score like 40 points in the last quarter and a half to beat me. Texas A&M, wow, Thanks for giving up that late bull shit TD with 10 seconds left to screw the cover. Most of you won't understand this one but Auburn and Gene Chizik needs there asses beat. They screwed me on both the game and the over. Hey Chizik!!!! Why the FUCK are you still running the ball over and over when your down 3 scores with 8 minutes to go. There are more but I gotta blood pressure is boiling right now.
4. Hey Florida people. How's it going? Do you like what your seeing? Do ya? I told you that your team was worthless and overrated. Rookie QB or not I don't want to hear it. Your team sucks. Guess what? Georgia is gonna whip that ass too here soon. Oh yeah. You can write that shit down. It's coming. Georgia and there backs may set a damn record running the ball against that weak pedestrian DL. Boom Mushchamp!!! No, No, Boom Boom is your daddy.
5. Im a little disappointed in this Turner Gill coached football team. I like the guy and think he has potential. But damn Turner, if you keep giving up 70 points a week your gonna lose your job here soon. Kansas might be as bad as Florida... LOL I'm JK. No really I think this Kansas team is in shambles right now. For the sake of the mans job I think he needs to step back and evaluate his football team here soon and where he and his staff is at. Cause if he don''s gonna be out the door here before long.
5. Are we jumping the gun on this Michigan team yet? Are they really any good or is this all a fluke right now? No it's not. This is a good football team playing with a ton of confidence. Are they a top 10 type of football team? Nah, don't get ahead of yourselves there Wolverine fans. But I will say this, you do have the biggest dual threat player in the country right now and it's not even close.
6. All eyes were on Boyd yesterday in the valley when he went down. I was there and you could here a pin drop. over 80,000 people in there and not one word was heard for about 5 minutes there. All of our hopes and dreams were about to go down the drain. But, Im here to tell you that Boyd 's x - rays are negative and he is fine. They are saying he is just a little sore but they fully expect him to be back next week when they travel to Maryland. I want to say this about Boyd. Is he not the most impressive first year QB in the country this year or what. But hopefully he will get some rest this week and be OK for next week.
7. Ohio S.T., when was the last time we could say that Ohio S.T was just another team? Every year they go to a bowl game... LOL, Im JK Buckeye fans. No really tho, when was the last time? This team like I said weeks ago needs to fly down to Texas and place a blank check in front of Gary Patterson and say fill in the blanks.
8. Is Robert Griffin not great of what? This guy is the best player in all of college football an it's not even close. If I had a vote in the Heisman I would vote this kid in. He really is incredible. If you guys don't get to watch Baylor games on Saturday, go back during the week and watch the replay of his games. Im telling you, good football is being played in Waco Texas, people just need to realize it.
9. Is the surprise team this year Kansas S.T, Clemson or Arizona S.T, Michigan or Illinois ? Really I think all five have a case and are playing with a ton of confidence right now. I could say a lot about all these teams but I'm gonna say something in particular about this Kansas S.T team. Of all the teams I mentioned the reason Kansas S.T is more impressive is because of what they have accomplished with what they have. Those other four teams always recruit good enough to be be good. But this Kansas S.T team really is playing a " us against the world " type of attitude right now. Good for you Coach Snyder.
10. Man, half the year is gone. I hate it more than anybody, trust me. But it is what it is and just enjoy it as long as you can. College Football is a special game IMO. There truly is something great about the Saturdays in the fall. Hey, winning money or not. I want you guys to know that I m a FAN of the game first and for most. I love this game more than any other sport on the planet and at times when I pissed about a game not going my way or something. I just sit back and soak it all in, cause I know the game itself is more important to me than just winning or losing.
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