Boom,, don't waste the energy responding to these ass holes,, who do they think they are to INVADE anothers thread and bash it,,,,,,
Bashers start your own thread and we will see how good you are,post your plays and be done with it,,,,,if your good, we all will see the result
and express your abilities,,and if not so be it,,,,,
no one in this forum is extremely rich as if they were they surely would not be here reading and posting all this nonsense over another's opinions
There's better things to do with their time and effort
Post your plays, that will show who is LEGIT and who is not
No one is perfect in any of this and at the end of the day,who really gives a shit,,people that tail another have no one to blame win or lose,,
Can we get this thread back on track with what we are looking FOR
Plays and this Gentlemen's OPINIONS
I reserve my right to make my own final decisions at the end of the day with my $$$$$$$
Thank you Boom for your opinions and that is why i came into your thread,and all you others if you also have a thread i do thank you for sharing your thoughts