absolutely. these are square plays, if you consistently play square plays, over the course of time you will lose. you might win this week, but you will not win long term.
betting against the the so called "public" is about as flawed of a method as it gets, you find me a "contrarian" bettor that hits 60% over the course of the season (I'll be waiting bro, like forever)
this is a method of trying to outsmart the system and thinking you are siding with the books, doesn't work bro, people don't lose betting because they can't pick a side, they lose because of juice and poor money management
I'm not criticizing you by any means bro so don't take it personal, I'm only telling you for 100% certain that contrarian bettors are right about 50%-53% just like the rest of systems that are out there
I can list 5-10 guys on our website that bet like this, they are all nice guys and I like them but they simply can't win in the long run, they are outsmarting themselves by trying to be "sharp", meanwhile they end up betting on the worst possible teams and usually end up with the worst team in almost every matchup
"square" and "sharp" are terms people have created over the years to explain losing to themselves
we have a member that post Oregon & Baylor, first half spread and over every week, he gets called "square" by the so the called "sharps" who bet the other way thinking that no way those two teams could keep covering, he is "squarely" undefeated and made a small fortune while the "sharps" haven't won a single bet going against him, its baffling to me that he is called a square because he bets on the better team with a great offense and wins every single week, let me repeat, every single week
I could go on and on about this subject forever but the simple way of looking at things is this, don't try to outsmart yourself and be a wise guy, it won't work in the long run just like you suggest being a square won't work in the long run, the juice catches both of you regardless of your "nickname" in the betting industry