GoGo, This year I'm making my picks according to afairly stringent criteria.as I'm testing a new strategy thatlets me play fewer wagers with a higher percentage ofbankroll on each game. So far I'm not finding any thatfit . I'm hopeful the public will move a number or two inmy direction but I'm not optimistic for weeks 1 and 2.I'll probably only get to play 12 -14 games all season.I hate to offer my opinion on games that I'm not playingon myself, but If I do, I'll also mention that I do not have awager on it, like S. Carolina.If you ever want my opinion an a game, all you have to dois ask, I'd be happy to help, if I can.GoGo
fair enough... I'm just finishing up my week 1 card. I'll let ya look it over when it's finished. Also THE SBC capping team has two official team plays as of now. PM me if you want and I can fill ya in on some stuff we've created.. The team has def evolved!! That's for sure.... later brother Wise
GoGo, Please feel free to PM me. I'd like very much to
hear how the SBC capping team is doing.