Quote Originally Posted by WISEGUY36:
Bud, I hope you change your mind . You are a class act ,
and provide valuable insight to this forum , Thanks
it's not about changing my mind, it's a definite, this is my last season online without question, I'm looking forward to retirement to be very honest, I've had a great run and met some cool cats over the years, especially had fun with some covers members in Vegas
I'm staying home this week due to slight illness but will be going out this month to Vegas, anyone is welcome to come hang at the Wynn, if you like winning money and slamming drinks then bring it, there is a group of 11 of us and 8 of them are members here
I'm classy to those who are nice to me & are helpful to our forum, I've been known to slam others on occasion and have no problem calling someone out if I feel the need, probably a bit of a character flaw but we all have something wrong with us

thanks for the kind post, I will miss chatting with some of you about football for sure but I talk to so many people now regarding games that my head is always spinning, if you get a bit of a reputation for winning in this game then it's hard to stay on the down low

& I'm not talking about online down low, I've obviously always welcomed chatter in my threads, I'm talking real life friends that just bother the fawk out of me all the time, it seems much of my days are spent going over games with friends, it's nice to have a losing streak at times so they leave me be for few days

all these years spent at Covers have been fun but I think at some point, you either grow tired of doing it or just know it's time to be done with it
the reason I chose to let everyone know I was leaving is I know some of them, have met them and hung out with them in Vegas, didn't want people thinking I just died or something, it wasn't for attention like a few have suggested, if I needed the attention I wouldn't be leaving, not very hard to figure that one out
once again, thank you for the classy post