what a week, upsets galore, college football is so much fun, everyone in a frenzy now, half our forum is broke and the threads should be getting cut back some this week (thankfully)
my top 10 (not a debate, just revolving door top 10)
1. Bama (just standard dominance vs Arky)
2. TCU (good road win in little Manhattan with plenty of distractions)
3. Georgia (great team but if Mizzou can score like that so can TCU)
4. Clemson (bad loss but should get QB back and rebound)
5. Penn St (this team isn't better than Clemson, simple)
6. Oklahoma (good rebound win against physical Texas team)
7. Ohio St. (pounding bad teams now, still don't like QB play or secondary)
8. Okla St. (explosive offense, need better trenches for big boys)
9. Miami (living on the edge, won't go unbeaten most likely)
10. Wisc (schedule sets up nicely for playoff run, need better passing)
close by no cigar
Notre Dame (good loss to UGA, coming off bye, should beat USC)
Washington - bad loss to ASU, offense isn't explosive enough
USC - escaped another one, not impressed with Helton, good road test this week vs Notre Dame, will see if Notre has health back at QB
other thoughts
Butch Jones is done, may as well fire him this week, nobody thinks he stays and I think he knows it's over, that team is awful to watch
good road win for Texas A&M, Sumlin is keeping his job, Aggies need to have realistic expectations, to this point they are only team that looked like they semi belong on the field with Bama, could be argued they are the 2nd best team in the conference, maybe Auburn
Auburn leads 20-0 and offense is moving with ease, all of a sudden they died on the field, what an amazingly awful coaching job that was, zero in game adjustments, lose to LSU, yikes, just terrible
Wazzu was exposed for who they really are, a nice top 15-20 style team that still can't protect their QB, Falk probably already a candidate for CTE, poor kid, I think he needs to retire, I really do, he's taken a brutal beating at Wazzu over the years, feel bad for him, I never had this team in my top 10 because they aren't a top 10 team and I love the pac 12
Florida needs to fire their coach, I've only said that since they hired him, that team is terrible
UCF is really good, just note that, gangster team, love them, also an ATS machine, Scott Frost is going to name his job if he chooses to leave that recruiting hotbed, he may have the best team in the state of Florida, UCF would have a chance to beat Miami but I can't rank them that high because of schedule
USF also a good team but lose to UCF at end of the year
Ou nice bounce back win, they allowed Texas to hang around, Sooners offense marched up and down but couldn't handle that physical beating from Texas, Texas just beats up teams
Iowa St looking okay, not bad, no letdown ATS after huge upset win
North Texas sneaky good in conference, watch them, I'm making money with that team
may the good guys win more money this week and rest of you keep getting buried
so our forum will be a touch more quiet 