You guys have let the inmates run the asylum over in the Politics forum. So these bots have started implying I am someone with addiction named Gambleholic. I have asked nicely and not so nicely for a cease and desist. I even offered for you guys to prove I am not this degenerate sounding person by them putting their accounts on the line, they just continue to spam the forum implying I am this gambleholic. Your linesman Wallstreetcappers has allowed these bots/people to run roughshod over the forum. I think it needs to be cleaned up. I do not appreciate being called anything addiction related and should you allow these people to continue, you are enabling it. Here are the numerous times this incident has occurred, it's happened a few times, these were just the two threads that came to mind. This defamation goes beyond the give and take on a message board. The two main offenders are Fubah2 and kellyM164.
Hakeem jeffries makes history! first black lawmaker ever to lead in us congress! - Politics | Covers
Republican party, the face of neo-fascism then and now. - Penalty Box | Covers