Quote Originally Posted by be easy:
Keep following the advice of your doctor who follows evidence based
medicine and follows the guidelines issued by the authoritative medical
bodies such as
yes, listen to the medical expert. No need to alter your nutritional inputs, the cure is in the drugs
evidenced based medical bodies
"and it is consensus of medical opinion throughout the world."
Well, so long as BMA says so,,,,,,,
yes, listen to the medical expert. No need to alter your nutritional inputs, the cure is in the drugs
if you cared to look at the guidelines then you would know that nutrition and exercise as well as drugs are all important. But you are only interested in what the health ranger says Mike Adams says and what Mark Twain says and what Gary Taubes says.
Quote from NICE GUIDELINESBlood cholesterol has a log–linear relationship to the risk of CHD and is a key modifiable risk factor. It is estimated that in high-income countries blood cholesterol levels in excess of 3.8 mmol/litre are responsible for more than 50% of CVD events4. Blood cholesterol can be reduced by dietary change, physical activity and drugs. This guideline addresses the identification of those at high risk, and the modification of lipids in these people and people with established CVD. Treatment should be aimed at reducing overall risk.
You read a nutrition book then you start trolling forums and dishing out health advice.
you said this
' Ditch the exercise altogether, if you are prone to putting on that much
fat, exercise is more likely to make you fatter then it is to make her
burn off fat, because exercising leaves you feeling that much hungrier.'
then you said this in the same text
'I lost 45 lbs in 100 days by cutting out all sugar drinks, and walking'
please note walking is exercise.
You were overweight
You buy and read Gary Taubes book.
You say 'but after being into it for about a year'
A year of your own personal experience of nutrition and book reading and you start dishing out advice
You should look at the NICE Guideline as a starters on the path to a better understanding of a subject you know nothing about.
You have not even looked at The Framingham study in your own back yard,
It has followed Cardiovascular events in Framingham since 1948, three generations continuously monitored.The 4S study and others.
Yet you are inspired by books written by clowns.
Yet when it comes to the crunch if you or your family have a Cardiovascular or Cerebral Vascular event you will take the Statins. Period. All you BS then goes out of the window. Easy to say don't take things when you or your family do not have those conditions. Very selfish indeed.
Fortunately people like yourself and Dirt are and infinitesimal minority.