Quote Originally Posted by glyde69:
Didn't read too far down, so sorry if anything I say has been repeated already.
I agree with what you say regarding fading the public, trap games, sharp, square etc etc. Most of the board seems obsessed with this shit, and I think it is foolish. Some of those variables are a small piece to a big puzzle(the key word being "small"), but overall most of those subjects are a load of shit.
When you veer off into saying a broad statement like "forget the spread and just pick winners and you will win" is where I lost you a bit. Those numbers backing it up really don't mean anything to me either. Maybe the following isn't really pertinent, but the example I'm going to give is something I have had experience with, and can explain what I am trying to convey better than all the facts and figures in the world(at least I think I can).
Let's say "hypothetically" I used to know a guy who took action. Let's say a friend of a friend. Now at the same time, another friend used to run a sort of office pool where you picked every game(with no spreads). It wasn't a huge pool, but every week there were the same 30 or so guys with random stragglers. WITHOUT point spreads, on a full(16 games) card, you would have to win 13-14 games AT LEAST to take the weekly prize. And that was after possibly sweating out the MNF tiebreaker total. I never gave much of a shit about this as I was doing my "real" gambling, but I always watched what was going on as lots of my friends/roommates/acquaintances were in this pool. Every week pretty much everyone would have 11-12-13-14 winners and the dramatic finish always came down to Sunday and Monday night. THERE WERE NO LOSERS. Sure you couldn't win every week, but a "bad" week was 11-5. There were no 3-13 weeks. There were no "I couldn't buy a winner" weeks. Bottom line, no one ever completely tanked.
I'm babbling a bit, but go back to that hypothetical "friend" I mentioned earlier. Coincidentally, "he" used to take action from many of the same motherfuckers who did this pool. And like many "jo schmo's" who bet casually, NONE OF THESE GUYS EVER WON. Constant perennial losers, the whole bunch of them. He used to show me people's accounts so I could analyse what they were doing wrong(I was in a hardcore study phase back then), and believe me.....the few guys who were thrown a bone and had a winning week every once in awhile always did their best to give it back X5 the next two weeks.
Now what could have been the thing that changed it for everyone? What could make 12-4 and 14-2 turn to 2-6 and 3-8 when "real" gambling was being done? THE POINT SPREAD is the thing.
Now I'm usually on here complaining at how awful the site has become, and how it was so much better when I first signed up, but I still lurk for a reason. Through all the BS, all the drama, all the worthless knowledge, and catfights, I do find lots of nuggets of wisdom here and there, and because of that I try to reciprocate whenever I can because of that. Years ago, someone on here said, "The point spread is the great equalizer." I always remembered that little saying and I think it is the truth!
Hopefully, I made some sense through the rambling post. Good luck the rest of the season.
Hopefully that made some sense.
Thanks for stepping in and providing this thread with your insight.
I got your point and it makes sense to some extent. However, when you say that the point spread eventually becomes the X factor that separates winners from losers, I can't agree with you.
The stats that I posted and that I constantly upgrade clearly point to how "easy" it is to make cash when you can pick winners.
Picking winners means being able to nail Buffalo or Oakland or Denver or Kansas City or Houston. It takes plenty of skills to consistently nail winners. If you can do that, then the point spread doesn't affect your bottom line.
Here is something I would like to add and perhaps this thread will make more sense:
lots of bettors make the mistake to first look at the point spread and THEN cap the game. I never do that. I never want to know the spread is before Thursday. I usually take Tuesday and Wednesday off to digest the weekend games and internalize all the action I absorbed by watching 3-4 games. Then I take a look at the matchups and try to identify strong/weak spots and games that draw my attention. I select a bunch of games - usually no more than 5-6 - and examine them carefully. I cap those games, look at lots of different stuff from injury reports to momentum, interviews, trends, angles, etc. At that point, if a clear outright winner stands out to me, I circle it and move on to the next game. If I am still slightly undecided, I delete the game from my list. Only once I picked all my winners do I check what the point spread is. Sometimes I am mind-boggled by soft lines, other times I believe the line is right where it should be. Usually, if the line is a lot different than what I think it should be, I re-evaluate the whole game and try to find out if I am missing something. If I can't find anything I am missing, I no longer bother about the line and go ahead and bet on the game.
This has been working for me so well since last season. Especially focusing on a few games alone without being too eager to bet the whole card.
Something else that helps me big time is my teams
BLACK LIST. There are teams I just can't figure out or that are just plain horrible with horrible quarterbacks/coaching. I either avoid those teams - like Skins, Lions, Chiefs, Browns, Rams, Jaguars - or fade those teams - Titans -
Once we get to week 5-6, I usually have a short card each weekend because every game involved with the above teams will be a
NO BET. This scraps out lots of junk and allows me to focus on more reliable games.