I think a congrats is in order to the mainstream media. Demonize police officers, recruit foolish bureaucrats to further the cause, then pat yourselves on the back; after all, there are very few media elite that live in West Baltimore.
Best of luck to the good people that reside in these areas.....the situation as a whole is a shame; I can't really imagine what it is like for somebody whom is working hard and trying to raise a family in these areas. Hopefully, things begin to change for the good, and soon.
The riots in Baltimore, and attitude coming out of city hall has placed ALL police officers in the crosshairs, and has created yet another vacuum.....and the criminal element ramped up business operations in order to capitalize on the lack of police deterrence; basically, it is a free-for-all.
Unfortunately, this is a hard truth; but be reassured that if you make the correlation of the increased murder rate with the lack of law enforcement in these neighborhoods, then you will be labeled a racist.
Rest assured that the mainstream media and race baiters will ignore the statistics outlined in the article; for them to recognize the current situation for what it is would be to take responsibility for a situation that they played a large role in creating.
The truly surprising part of all of this is that MSN put this story up in the first place..... there has to be an angle there somewhere.
I think a congrats is in order to the mainstream media. Demonize police officers, recruit foolish bureaucrats to further the cause, then pat yourselves on the back; after all, there are very few media elite that live in West Baltimore.
Best of luck to the good people that reside in these areas.....the situation as a whole is a shame; I can't really imagine what it is like for somebody whom is working hard and trying to raise a family in these areas. Hopefully, things begin to change for the good, and soon.
The riots in Baltimore, and attitude coming out of city hall has placed ALL police officers in the crosshairs, and has created yet another vacuum.....and the criminal element ramped up business operations in order to capitalize on the lack of police deterrence; basically, it is a free-for-all.
Unfortunately, this is a hard truth; but be reassured that if you make the correlation of the increased murder rate with the lack of law enforcement in these neighborhoods, then you will be labeled a racist.
Rest assured that the mainstream media and race baiters will ignore the statistics outlined in the article; for them to recognize the current situation for what it is would be to take responsibility for a situation that they played a large role in creating.
The truly surprising part of all of this is that MSN put this story up in the first place..... there has to be an angle there somewhere.
13 murders through 11 days of June. The pace remains the same as the 4 decade streak breaking month of May.
I believe this is coming down from the administration to further divide the country. They're doing a masterful job making the cops out to be the bad guy. If anything the cops statistics regarding killing of black men is much lower than in the past. This is why I believe it to be instigated from above or it would've been a problem long before now.
Call a heroin dealer the next time your house or car is broken into. Get back to me on how that works out. Good luck with police recruitment as well. I see them getting a big fat raise to persuade them to take this abuse.
Agree that black live only matter when white cops are involved...
13 murders through 11 days of June. The pace remains the same as the 4 decade streak breaking month of May.
I believe this is coming down from the administration to further divide the country. They're doing a masterful job making the cops out to be the bad guy. If anything the cops statistics regarding killing of black men is much lower than in the past. This is why I believe it to be instigated from above or it would've been a problem long before now.
Call a heroin dealer the next time your house or car is broken into. Get back to me on how that works out. Good luck with police recruitment as well. I see them getting a big fat raise to persuade them to take this abuse.
Agree that black live only matter when white cops are involved...
Black lives only matter when they are taken by white police officers
Wow, I have to say BWS, you really are a dim bulb (The flashing bulb quite apropos for your post above).
The cop who has the most charges levied against him in the Freddie Gray case (Baltimore) is black.
How in the world do you align that with your comment about the OP, where "Black Lives Matter" protests occurred in full force despite the mix of police officers who were charged?
Oh, that's right, you can't. Because you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to specifics about...just about anything.
Quote Originally Posted by BWS77:
Black lives only matter when they are taken by white police officers
Wow, I have to say BWS, you really are a dim bulb (The flashing bulb quite apropos for your post above).
The cop who has the most charges levied against him in the Freddie Gray case (Baltimore) is black.
How in the world do you align that with your comment about the OP, where "Black Lives Matter" protests occurred in full force despite the mix of police officers who were charged?
Oh, that's right, you can't. Because you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to specifics about...just about anything.
I think a congrats is in order to the mainstream media. Demonize police officers, recruit foolish bureaucrats to further the cause, then pat yourselves on the back; after all, there are very few media elite that live in West Baltimore.
Best of luck to the good people that reside in these areas.....the situation as a whole is a shame; I can't really imagine what it is like for somebody whom is working hard and trying to raise a family in these areas. Hopefully, things begin to change for the good, and soon.
The riots in Baltimore, and attitude coming out of city hall has placed ALL police officers in the crosshairs, and has created yet another vacuum.....and the criminal element ramped up business operations in order to capitalize on the lack of police deterrence; basically, it is a free-for-all.
Unfortunately, this is a hard truth; but be reassured that if you make the correlation of the increased murder rate with the lack of law enforcement in these neighborhoods, then you will be labeled a racist.
Rest assured that the mainstream media and race baiters will ignore the statistics outlined in the article; for them to recognize the current situation for what it is would be to take responsibility for a situation that they played a large role in creating.
The truly surprising part of all of this is that MSN put this story up in the first place..... there has to be an angle there somewhere.
I love this 'demonize police officers' talk. If you criticize the police IN ANY WAY, you demonize them.
You do know someone's spine was severed right?
His SPINE WAS SEVERED (I put it in caps in case you're poor of sight and or didn't comprehend what went on in the Freddie Gray case).
Did you conveniently forget that? Of course you did. Every Caucasian on here has little to nothing to say about the actual black decedents.
They only talk about MSNBC, Sharpton, Jesse and 'riots'...and stop there ASAP.
I think a congrats is in order to the mainstream media. Demonize police officers, recruit foolish bureaucrats to further the cause, then pat yourselves on the back; after all, there are very few media elite that live in West Baltimore.
Best of luck to the good people that reside in these areas.....the situation as a whole is a shame; I can't really imagine what it is like for somebody whom is working hard and trying to raise a family in these areas. Hopefully, things begin to change for the good, and soon.
The riots in Baltimore, and attitude coming out of city hall has placed ALL police officers in the crosshairs, and has created yet another vacuum.....and the criminal element ramped up business operations in order to capitalize on the lack of police deterrence; basically, it is a free-for-all.
Unfortunately, this is a hard truth; but be reassured that if you make the correlation of the increased murder rate with the lack of law enforcement in these neighborhoods, then you will be labeled a racist.
Rest assured that the mainstream media and race baiters will ignore the statistics outlined in the article; for them to recognize the current situation for what it is would be to take responsibility for a situation that they played a large role in creating.
The truly surprising part of all of this is that MSN put this story up in the first place..... there has to be an angle there somewhere.
I love this 'demonize police officers' talk. If you criticize the police IN ANY WAY, you demonize them.
You do know someone's spine was severed right?
His SPINE WAS SEVERED (I put it in caps in case you're poor of sight and or didn't comprehend what went on in the Freddie Gray case).
Did you conveniently forget that? Of course you did. Every Caucasian on here has little to nothing to say about the actual black decedents.
They only talk about MSNBC, Sharpton, Jesse and 'riots'...and stop there ASAP.
The cop who has the most charges levied against him in the Freddie Gray case (Baltimore) is black.
Then why is there so much racial bullshirt, murders, looting, etc. going on in this particular city? I think you answered your own racially triggered question you seem to bring up in new stupid threads on a daily basis.......
Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
The cop who has the most charges levied against him in the Freddie Gray case (Baltimore) is black.
Then why is there so much racial bullshirt, murders, looting, etc. going on in this particular city? I think you answered your own racially triggered question you seem to bring up in new stupid threads on a daily basis.......
Wow, I have to say BWS, you really are a dim bulb (The flashing bulb quite apropos for your post above).
The cop who has the most charges levied against him in the Freddie Gray case (Baltimore) is black.
How in the world do you align that with your comment about the OP, where "Black Lives Matter" protests occurred in full force despite the mix of police officers who were charged?
Oh, that's right, you can't. Because you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to specifics about...just about anything.
For a guy who repeatedly claimed to be leaving the GD forum, you sure do post a lot ... a lot of sh*t ... but carryon if you must
bigreds daddy
Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
Wow, I have to say BWS, you really are a dim bulb (The flashing bulb quite apropos for your post above).
The cop who has the most charges levied against him in the Freddie Gray case (Baltimore) is black.
How in the world do you align that with your comment about the OP, where "Black Lives Matter" protests occurred in full force despite the mix of police officers who were charged?
Oh, that's right, you can't. Because you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to specifics about...just about anything.
For a guy who repeatedly claimed to be leaving the GD forum, you sure do post a lot ... a lot of sh*t ... but carryon if you must
His SPINE WAS SEVERED (I put it in caps in case you're poor of sight and or didn't comprehend what went on in the Freddie Gray case).
Did you conveniently forget that? Of course you did. Every Caucasian on here has little to nothing to say about the actual black decedents.
I've given you white (Caucasian) examples of "police brutality" where people have died "in custody" - Hispanic examples, do I need to go find Asian examples? Indian examples? Eskimo examples? Samoans doing the Humpty-Hump examples?
Is any other American "culture" burning down the entire cities and holding them hostage over ONE PARTICULAR ISOLATED INCIDENT?????
Once again, the defense rests, Your Honor - who could be of African/American descent, and that's O.K. with me.........
Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
His SPINE WAS SEVERED (I put it in caps in case you're poor of sight and or didn't comprehend what went on in the Freddie Gray case).
Did you conveniently forget that? Of course you did. Every Caucasian on here has little to nothing to say about the actual black decedents.
I've given you white (Caucasian) examples of "police brutality" where people have died "in custody" - Hispanic examples, do I need to go find Asian examples? Indian examples? Eskimo examples? Samoans doing the Humpty-Hump examples?
Is any other American "culture" burning down the entire cities and holding them hostage over ONE PARTICULAR ISOLATED INCIDENT?????
Once again, the defense rests, Your Honor - who could be of African/American descent, and that's O.K. with me.........
Then why is there so much racial bullshirt, murders, looting, etc. going on in this particular city? I think you answered your own racially triggered question you seem to bring up in new stupid threads on a daily basis.......
Because you have NO IDEA what the protests are about or care to know what they are about....
And the thousands of protestors are independent of what you like to lump them in with to discredit their case completely, that is, the largely peaceful protestors.
Dozens of people can loot stores or even murder others and say it is all in the name of Freddie Gray, Jesus, Buddah, John Lennon or whoever else and that will not discredit the message of the thousands of others in any way, just as you and Faux News would LOVE to have happen because you raging bigots are all the same: you simply want all blacks to d i s a p p e a r (at least the ones who lives in inner cities).
Quote Originally Posted by GimmeMoneyNow:
Then why is there so much racial bullshirt, murders, looting, etc. going on in this particular city? I think you answered your own racially triggered question you seem to bring up in new stupid threads on a daily basis.......
Because you have NO IDEA what the protests are about or care to know what they are about....
And the thousands of protestors are independent of what you like to lump them in with to discredit their case completely, that is, the largely peaceful protestors.
Dozens of people can loot stores or even murder others and say it is all in the name of Freddie Gray, Jesus, Buddah, John Lennon or whoever else and that will not discredit the message of the thousands of others in any way, just as you and Faux News would LOVE to have happen because you raging bigots are all the same: you simply want all blacks to d i s a p p e a r (at least the ones who lives in inner cities).
I've given you white (Caucasian) examples of "police brutality" where people have died "in custody" - Hispanic examples, do I need to go find Asian examples? Indian examples? Eskimo examples? Samoans doing the Humpty-Hump examples?
Is any other American "culture" burning down the entire cities and holding them hostage over ONE PARTICULAR ISOLATED INCIDENT?????
Once again, the defense rests, Your Honor - who could be of African/American descent, and that's O.K. with me.........
I've given the stats about the police brutality upon minorities, particularly black males, be it murder or otherwise, and the culture of policing against them across the nation is quite clear to that community and progressive minded non-blacks. It is basic fact to us. And that has been supported through numerous news articles, books, and studies galore.
But you as a raging bigot think all this 'hoopla' is for nothing...Just as Faux News does.
And that is exactly what is at the core of what makes you a raging bigot (or a raging idiot), take your pick.
Quote Originally Posted by GimmeMoneyNow:
I've given you white (Caucasian) examples of "police brutality" where people have died "in custody" - Hispanic examples, do I need to go find Asian examples? Indian examples? Eskimo examples? Samoans doing the Humpty-Hump examples?
Is any other American "culture" burning down the entire cities and holding them hostage over ONE PARTICULAR ISOLATED INCIDENT?????
Once again, the defense rests, Your Honor - who could be of African/American descent, and that's O.K. with me.........
I've given the stats about the police brutality upon minorities, particularly black males, be it murder or otherwise, and the culture of policing against them across the nation is quite clear to that community and progressive minded non-blacks. It is basic fact to us. And that has been supported through numerous news articles, books, and studies galore.
But you as a raging bigot think all this 'hoopla' is for nothing...Just as Faux News does.
And that is exactly what is at the core of what makes you a raging bigot (or a raging idiot), take your pick.
I've given the stats about the police brutality upon minorities, particularly black males, be it murder or otherwise, and the culture of policing against them across the nation is quite clear to that community and progressive minded non-blacks. It is basic fact to us. And that has been supported through numerous news articles, books, and studies galore.
But you as a raging bigot think all this 'hoopla' is for nothing...Just as Faux News does.
And that is exactly what is at the core of what makes you a raging bigot (or a raging idiot), take your pick.
It's also a basic fact that blacks commit hate crimes at a rate of double their population average. (FBI stats)
Which is incredible seeing that they kill each other with far greater frequency. What exactly is wrong with these people? Who do they hate? Themselves? Maybe they just all need to get a fresh start in the Sudan or Somalia. Maybe get their priorities straight. No government or charitable help over there. Buy or be bought. Just like the old days.
Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
I've given the stats about the police brutality upon minorities, particularly black males, be it murder or otherwise, and the culture of policing against them across the nation is quite clear to that community and progressive minded non-blacks. It is basic fact to us. And that has been supported through numerous news articles, books, and studies galore.
But you as a raging bigot think all this 'hoopla' is for nothing...Just as Faux News does.
And that is exactly what is at the core of what makes you a raging bigot (or a raging idiot), take your pick.
It's also a basic fact that blacks commit hate crimes at a rate of double their population average. (FBI stats)
Which is incredible seeing that they kill each other with far greater frequency. What exactly is wrong with these people? Who do they hate? Themselves? Maybe they just all need to get a fresh start in the Sudan or Somalia. Maybe get their priorities straight. No government or charitable help over there. Buy or be bought. Just like the old days.
Hey Scal, Do you think Reggie can target his anger against the proper people he perceives that are infringing on his civil rights? Why damage 388 businesses, burn down an under construction Senior Center, loot 27 pharmacies & 2 Methodone clinics just doesn't seem like the right response to an oppressive police department? Go fight the police if you have a problem with them, the moronic mayor told them to take it like a battered wife - AND THEY DID!
For the record there was very little protesting and a hole lot of rioting, looting & burning...
Hey Scal, Do you think Reggie can target his anger against the proper people he perceives that are infringing on his civil rights? Why damage 388 businesses, burn down an under construction Senior Center, loot 27 pharmacies & 2 Methodone clinics just doesn't seem like the right response to an oppressive police department? Go fight the police if you have a problem with them, the moronic mayor told them to take it like a battered wife - AND THEY DID!
For the record there was very little protesting and a hole lot of rioting, looting & burning...
It's also a basic fact that blacks commit hate crimes at a rate of double their population average. (FBI stats)
Which is incredible seeing that they kill each other with far greater frequency. What exactly is wrong with these people? Who do they hate? Themselves? Maybe they just all need to get a fresh start in the Sudan or Somalia. Maybe get their priorities straight. No government or charitable help over there. Buy or be bought. Just like the old days.
I love how people like you CONSTANTLY bring up killing. That is virtually all drug and gang war killing. There are 40 MILLION blacks in America. If a dozen die in Chicago over the weekend, how in the world is that tied to 39,999,988???
And what 'priorities' do they have to get straight?
They live in communities with FAR LESS opportunity than the average white person and even if they escape those communities they are still subject to general discrimination and stigma that worsens the very opportunity they seek (and that you have by default by being non-black).
Let me ask you a question: If you became a black man TODAY, do you believe anything and everything in your life would stay exactly the same? Do you think your bosses would treat you exactly the same? Do you think the police would treat you exactly the same? Do you think even a store clerk at 7-11 would treat you the same?
That stigma and discrimination happens in a black individual's life EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is part and parcel of their existence.
And let me note, like esplanade and searchwarrant (who was in favor of esplanade's comment, this is the third poster who has DIRECTLY insinuated that Blacks should go back to Africa.
Maybe they just all need to get a fresh start in the Sudan or Somalia.
Do you see why I call you all raging bigots????
Quote Originally Posted by Getty3:
It's also a basic fact that blacks commit hate crimes at a rate of double their population average. (FBI stats)
Which is incredible seeing that they kill each other with far greater frequency. What exactly is wrong with these people? Who do they hate? Themselves? Maybe they just all need to get a fresh start in the Sudan or Somalia. Maybe get their priorities straight. No government or charitable help over there. Buy or be bought. Just like the old days.
I love how people like you CONSTANTLY bring up killing. That is virtually all drug and gang war killing. There are 40 MILLION blacks in America. If a dozen die in Chicago over the weekend, how in the world is that tied to 39,999,988???
And what 'priorities' do they have to get straight?
They live in communities with FAR LESS opportunity than the average white person and even if they escape those communities they are still subject to general discrimination and stigma that worsens the very opportunity they seek (and that you have by default by being non-black).
Let me ask you a question: If you became a black man TODAY, do you believe anything and everything in your life would stay exactly the same? Do you think your bosses would treat you exactly the same? Do you think the police would treat you exactly the same? Do you think even a store clerk at 7-11 would treat you the same?
That stigma and discrimination happens in a black individual's life EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is part and parcel of their existence.
And let me note, like esplanade and searchwarrant (who was in favor of esplanade's comment, this is the third poster who has DIRECTLY insinuated that Blacks should go back to Africa.
Maybe they just all need to get a fresh start in the Sudan or Somalia.
Hey Scal, Do you think Reggie can target his anger against the proper people he perceives that are infringing on his civil rights? Why damage 388 businesses, burn down an under construction Senior Center, loot 27 pharmacies & 2 Methodone clinics just doesn't seem like the right response to an oppressive police department? Go fight the police if you have a problem with them, the moronic mayor told them to take it like a battered wife - AND THEY DID!
For the record there was very little protesting and a hole lot of rioting, looting & burning...
Do you really want to challenge me on that because I will shut you down in 2 seconds if you think there was 'very little protesting'.
There were protests as far as LONDON in the Black Live Matter movement you fool.
Where do you get your information and who do you think you are talking to? Some neophyte race baiter?
And by the way, fire SPREADS. One person can set a fire and burn down an entire city block. No one cares if raging bigots like you want to connect the very small segment of rioters who broke windows at CVS and set a fire to the worldwide Black Lives Matter protesters.
Watch your tongue and before you regurgitate what you hear on Faux News give it some thought because I WILL hold you accountable.
Quote Originally Posted by Killer_B:
Hey Scal, Do you think Reggie can target his anger against the proper people he perceives that are infringing on his civil rights? Why damage 388 businesses, burn down an under construction Senior Center, loot 27 pharmacies & 2 Methodone clinics just doesn't seem like the right response to an oppressive police department? Go fight the police if you have a problem with them, the moronic mayor told them to take it like a battered wife - AND THEY DID!
For the record there was very little protesting and a hole lot of rioting, looting & burning...
Do you really want to challenge me on that because I will shut you down in 2 seconds if you think there was 'very little protesting'.
There were protests as far as LONDON in the Black Live Matter movement you fool.
Where do you get your information and who do you think you are talking to? Some neophyte race baiter?
And by the way, fire SPREADS. One person can set a fire and burn down an entire city block. No one cares if raging bigots like you want to connect the very small segment of rioters who broke windows at CVS and set a fire to the worldwide Black Lives Matter protesters.
Watch your tongue and before you regurgitate what you hear on Faux News give it some thought because I WILL hold you accountable.
Thats my hometown b*tch, I know more about it than you'll ever know. You could go door to door in West Baltimore with a job and no one is capable of taking one.
London? Black lives only matter when killed by white cops right Scal. Are they protesting the 40 murders in May (a 4 decade high)?
Fire does spread when they are cutting the hoses. Very small segment? Are you blind? 388 damaged businesses! Yeah pretty small. Burn down an under construction Senior Center. You keep making excuses for these people Scal. I pay to feed them, house them & incarcerate them. Anything else I can do for people that make themselves unemployable?
Another Fox News hater huh? What a joke? Hands up don't shoot was questioned immediately on Fox News while you were watching every other news agency promote an outright lie by a convicted liar. Not even an apology from any of them, because they have no SHAME. If it burns it earns right Scal. Burn this mofo down in the famous words of Brown's father.
Thats my hometown b*tch, I know more about it than you'll ever know. You could go door to door in West Baltimore with a job and no one is capable of taking one.
London? Black lives only matter when killed by white cops right Scal. Are they protesting the 40 murders in May (a 4 decade high)?
Fire does spread when they are cutting the hoses. Very small segment? Are you blind? 388 damaged businesses! Yeah pretty small. Burn down an under construction Senior Center. You keep making excuses for these people Scal. I pay to feed them, house them & incarcerate them. Anything else I can do for people that make themselves unemployable?
Another Fox News hater huh? What a joke? Hands up don't shoot was questioned immediately on Fox News while you were watching every other news agency promote an outright lie by a convicted liar. Not even an apology from any of them, because they have no SHAME. If it burns it earns right Scal. Burn this mofo down in the famous words of Brown's father.
There is not even a question as to whether the media as a whole turned the Freddie Gray Murder into a white cop on black man murder. They are all guilty of it. That mantra was trotted out there before all the FACTS were in. It's shameful and all media outlets are guilty of it.
Just like the media portrays Obama as a black man only. Once again, all media outlets are guilty. The FACTS are that if it weren't for his white family he wouldn't be President today.
Be honest, the media doesn't care that there were 3 black officers involved. In FACT it is bad for business. Racism sells, not FACTS and until it doesn't we are going to get heavy doses of it whether true or not.
There is not even a question as to whether the media as a whole turned the Freddie Gray Murder into a white cop on black man murder. They are all guilty of it. That mantra was trotted out there before all the FACTS were in. It's shameful and all media outlets are guilty of it.
Just like the media portrays Obama as a black man only. Once again, all media outlets are guilty. The FACTS are that if it weren't for his white family he wouldn't be President today.
Be honest, the media doesn't care that there were 3 black officers involved. In FACT it is bad for business. Racism sells, not FACTS and until it doesn't we are going to get heavy doses of it whether true or not.
I love this 'demonize police officers' talk. If you criticize the police IN ANY WAY, you demonize them.
You do know someone's spine was severed right?
His SPINE WAS SEVERED (I put it in caps in case you're poor of sight and or didn't comprehend what went on in the Freddie Gray case).
Did you conveniently forget that? Of course you did. Every Caucasian on here has little to nothing to say about the actual black decedents.
They only talk about MSNBC, Sharpton, Jesse and 'riots'...and stop there ASAP.
You know dammmm good and well that the riots and city hall put every policeman in the Baltimore police department on trial for what happened to Gray.
And guess what.......the police pulled out of "hot" areas; to protect themselves.
You do realize that your philosophical beliefs are a substantial cause of death.....at least in the last 50 years, right?
Take a look at your track record brother:
Pull out of Vietnam.....everyone on our side dies.
Pull out of Iraq......everyone whom supported us dies.
Pull out of West Baltimore.....good people die.
If even one non gang-banger was murdered in West Baltimore over the passed month then the entire riot and political statement from city hall did more harm than good.
Sir, you are the problem.
Never Make A Winner A Loser. Never.
Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
I love this 'demonize police officers' talk. If you criticize the police IN ANY WAY, you demonize them.
You do know someone's spine was severed right?
His SPINE WAS SEVERED (I put it in caps in case you're poor of sight and or didn't comprehend what went on in the Freddie Gray case).
Did you conveniently forget that? Of course you did. Every Caucasian on here has little to nothing to say about the actual black decedents.
They only talk about MSNBC, Sharpton, Jesse and 'riots'...and stop there ASAP.
You know dammmm good and well that the riots and city hall put every policeman in the Baltimore police department on trial for what happened to Gray.
And guess what.......the police pulled out of "hot" areas; to protect themselves.
You do realize that your philosophical beliefs are a substantial cause of death.....at least in the last 50 years, right?
Take a look at your track record brother:
Pull out of Vietnam.....everyone on our side dies.
Pull out of Iraq......everyone whom supported us dies.
Pull out of West Baltimore.....good people die.
If even one non gang-banger was murdered in West Baltimore over the passed month then the entire riot and political statement from city hall did more harm than good.
Boo hoo Scal. The black race has come along way from chains to freedom. It's not my fault they haven't achieved equality in society. I believe stats prove that any person that has 2 parents in the home that instill values and get educated quickly learn that the color of their skin matters little and their success has no ceiling. A woman with 5 kids by 5 different men that are MIA give their kids little chance. THIS ISNT MY FAULT AND I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT...
Boo hoo Scal. The black race has come along way from chains to freedom. It's not my fault they haven't achieved equality in society. I believe stats prove that any person that has 2 parents in the home that instill values and get educated quickly learn that the color of their skin matters little and their success has no ceiling. A woman with 5 kids by 5 different men that are MIA give their kids little chance. THIS ISNT MY FAULT AND I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT...
When the National Association of Black Social Workers (NASBW) expressed strong reservations against the practice of transracial adoption in 1972, their real concerns were that white parents would sufficiently create the environment and social conditions whereby their children's identity and any shred of blackness would be deracinated.
Even going back to 1972, the Africans were already starting their racist ideology.
They know damn well that that they are their own worst enemy.
When the National Association of Black Social Workers (NASBW) expressed strong reservations against the practice of transracial adoption in 1972, their real concerns were that white parents would sufficiently create the environment and social conditions whereby their children's identity and any shred of blackness would be deracinated.
Even going back to 1972, the Africans were already starting their racist ideology.
They know damn well that that they are their own worst enemy.
Boo hoo Scal. The black race has come along way from chains to freedom. It's not my fault they haven't achieved equality in society. I believe stats prove that any person that has 2 parents in the home that instill values and get educated quickly learn that the color of their skin matters little and their success has no ceiling. A woman with 5 kids by 5 different men that are MIA give their kids little chance. THIS ISNT MY FAULT AND I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT...
This is 100% accurate right here. But of course the lifelong loser scalabrine won't even comment on this because it's too accurate. Being accountable for yourself isn't something he's familiar with. Easier to blame someone else for your own failures. God the absolute bullcrap this idiot spews defending scumbags
Quote Originally Posted by Killer_B:
Boo hoo Scal. The black race has come along way from chains to freedom. It's not my fault they haven't achieved equality in society. I believe stats prove that any person that has 2 parents in the home that instill values and get educated quickly learn that the color of their skin matters little and their success has no ceiling. A woman with 5 kids by 5 different men that are MIA give their kids little chance. THIS ISNT MY FAULT AND I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT...
This is 100% accurate right here. But of course the lifelong loser scalabrine won't even comment on this because it's too accurate. Being accountable for yourself isn't something he's familiar with. Easier to blame someone else for your own failures. God the absolute bullcrap this idiot spews defending scumbags
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