I still don't get the problem like salty said there aren't many employers that want you working 10 days straight, but when it happens enjoy your 4 days off. Even if you dont get the 4 days off in a row you're still getting the 2 days off a week you're entitled to without overtime.It's better then having split days off.You go in knowing how the pay period is set up so it's not like they are surprising you. They are working within the meaning of the law what else do you want?
People don't always go into a job knowing how their schedule will work out. They may usually work xyz, but something comes up and their boss forces them work abc and they didn't know or expect that when they applied for the job. Secondly, what do you mean "it's a two way street?" Like you can leave for any reason or they can fire you for any reason? because that is not exactly a two way street because it is usually much easier for an employer to replace an employee than it is for an employee to find another comparable job. Just look at the application process. 90% of the population applies for dozens of jobs waiting for a single offer whereas an employer advertises a job and gets to pick between dozens of candidates. It's not a two way street. It's more like they get 5 lanes and you get 1. What if an employee was being mistreated just because they were black. the laws aside, would you say "if you don't like it leave" or "it's a two way street-at will employment"