Quote Originally Posted by bunny651:
I respectfully disagree with your line of thinking as well.
First of all, United put herself into that position all by herself. There is no relevance in what his past history might be or how he reacted.
Other than the Airline industry, it is probably considered illegal to sell the same seat/ticket for an event more than once. Basically, a paying customer who boarded the plane without incident was physically removed just because United could do it. What other choices do the customers have besides suing?
Bunny, my post was not meant to be pro-airline, or anti-passenger.
I think the airlines rules regarding an over-booked flight suck.
But there are a few important aspects of this story to consider ...
1) UA has the legal right to remove any passenger
2) Once a passenger refuses to leave the plane, airport security has the legal right to forcibly remove that passenger
3) Any settlement this Dr might be awarded does not punish UA.
4) If this Dr receives a penny it will be because he broke the law, became aggressive with law enforcement, and behaved in a manner that if my kids would have done so there would have been hell to pay once we got home.
Now everyone hopes the imbecile gets a huge settlement.
UA will not pay a single friggin penny to this man. Not one!
The insurance company makes the payment.
Insurance companies then review risks when pricing out policies.
Next year, all airline carriers insurance premiums go up because this poorly behaving passenger "got paid"
Airlines do not eat this extra expense, they pass it along to us.
So if you fly on a plane, you in fact are paying for this idiot Dr's windfall.
BTW, this is the same Dr who was convicted of trading pills for sex.
So you guys cheer for him.
Me, I cheer for those who obey the law and behave appropriately.
Dr Douche did neither.
Again, the airlines rules regarding this totally suck, but those are the rules.
Don't like them? Then drive