Quote Originally Posted by vanzack:
Morals are certainly subjective. Anyone who says differently doesnt have a good grasp of history. Afterall, why does YOUR BIBLE advocate slavery, stoning, raping, and killing? You would answer "it was a different time back then" - so fine - obviously morals were different then than they are now.
So in todays society, we now have decided that the morality of slavery is not acceptable - so we have judged recently to change our morality on the practice of slavery. If you were alive 1000 years ago, you would have had no moral problems with slavery. The morality has evolved because humans have evolved.
The only change there is human change over time. Humans of course are in a position to judge other humans - we dont need a divine code of law to be in a position to judge other humans - we simply need an agreement amongst humans as to what is right and what is wrong - and a society to enforce those rules and moralities.
You have continued down this road of debate and I am somewhat confused what your point is or where you are going with this. Please dont just repeat your position, try to articulate it clearly - I honestly dont understand your point.
So if morals are subjective, then morals become the result of the socio and bioligical evolutionary process.
Therefore, you CANNOT look at tribes and say what they are doing is ABSOLUTELY WRONG.
If i came on here and said i raped a child, NO ONE HERE CAN SAY what you did was ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Absolute is the key word here.
Remember, you said morals are subjective, each man decides what is right or wrong.
With God, morals are not only absolute but are objective. It says thou shall not kill, therefore, if we look at the tribe, according to God, what they are doing is absolutely wrong,.
Now you sight violence in the bible, God is giving commands to kill. They are Gods commands, he gives life, he takes life. He saw it fit to kill those people to destroy evil.
No one can question what God does. If man says, well God killed people, then so can i shows that man is being his own God,