Me and a degenerate bud were at a Jai Alai fronton. Down on our luck and out a few hundred apiece, we skipped the next race and headed for the urinals to say goodbye to a few beers. While pissing and cussing away, and wondering what to do with the few combined dollars we had left, this drunken High Roller comes stumbling into the head.
He was clearly quite drunk and angry. He had fistfulls of small bills that he was throwing into the urinals and flushing into the catch below. We watched him do this to about six urinals before he stumbled out of the mens room cussing and swearing as he went.
I looked at my bud. He looked at me. We both bolted to the urinals to rescue the small bills. Over to the sink to wash them out and dry them as best we could. Mostly ones, with a few fives and tens and even one twenty in the mix.
We decided on a trifecta box long shot and took the damp bills to the window. The trifecta hits for a little over $500 and we were gone from that fronton before you could blink an eye.
Always remember... You are never a loser until your behind is in the car seat and you are driving home. Anything can, and it will happen.