Quote Originally Posted by The Hawk:
First, I ain't ignorant............
Second, your attempt at satire is muy malo (sorry I didn't hashtag it for you), as I think we are on the same side. It's wrong to steal cars, correct? Or is your "culture" different?
Last, there is nothing bigoted, you moron, about the words "try not stealing a car".................is there any mention of race or color in "try not stealing a car"?
I guess my attempt at sarcasm didn't type to print as well as it did in my head. See, you're fine, you get it. My post was aimed at our resident "race-baiter" who is clearly delusional and trapped in his own warped sense of reality.
If I could just impart one piece of knowledge to everybody, it is this:
REGARDLESS of your color, religion, heritage, whatever, when a cop tells you to put your hands where they can see them, get on the ground, face down, whatever the f@ck they tell you to do, you effing do it! You run, you try to run them down, you wave a gun around, you're going down. THAT'S what the media should be telling people, not playing up the whole "race" thing or "it's us against the cops". Maybe if that was the case, Baltimore wouldn't have just recorded it's highest month of murders on record....
The article I linked at the top of this thread is from Denver
from January
the girl was in the wrong (a stolen car)
"excessive police force" was used,
the girl died
the cops were cleared of any wrongdoing....
Now, is Denver on fire right now? Is there rampant looting and they're recording their highest murder rate in history? Does anyone even vaguely recall this story?
Now, had this girl been black and the cops white......
You know the rest........