I feel like a child of the 60's, imagine that, actually more like a hamster running circles on a wheel... Possibly a child of the 50's since I don't think minorities, women, or other differing viewpoints have a place in today's society
I must get this off my chest after hearing about the Missouri Congresswoman Emerson who got re-elected for the 16th yr and yet took a lobbying Job 9 days after the election costing Missouri 1 Mill to require a special election.. She seems typical of most congressman, SHADY AS FUCK! Research her career/life and see what smell test that passes...WTF...Think Abramoff is owed an apoligy or 2 and has a right to ask for compensation from our Congress since he spent time in the Clink for what they all seem to do daily...
Now on to politicians w/ some of the above as backdrop, where does voter's choice come in w/ lobbying groups? In a democracy People choose yet these groups seem to trump our viewpoint, correct or not let us learn from our mistakes if we make them! People's wills should take precedence for better or worse, but of course it doesn't..
Now on to the 2nd amendment, have any of you read it word by word from the founders exact words? How about the 3rd amendment? I won't post it but I gotta think that shit is a little out-dated, not sure we have to worry about soldiers taking up arms in our houses. Also if I understand correctly aren't there some 20,000 gun laws on the books? So if I'm not mistaken where does Felons etc get excluded on the 2nd amendment. I could also ask where does right to bear arms outside of your house exist, but that's childs play.... But damn if you won't fight to the death on 1 more gun law that limits Clip size, as Jon Stewart said you can't even have surface to air anything, which applies in my state since Fireworks that go in the air are banned!
Now to pot, the Shafer commission a simple search should express my thoughts. Thank god we had tricky dick to protect us w/ the CSA, oh and god that's a discussion for another thread. I don't particularly believe in ghosts, ghoblins, and other imaginary ficticous characters. Sorry....
Simple fact John Lennon was 1 of Nixon's biggest adversaries and the Cat was banned from this country for a time period before the election because of his "thoughts".... Granted he had a mark on his record for possession, but it was his supporters that scared Nixon and company during the 72 elections after what transpired in 68.
My point is that many of these laws/rules/regulations are based on incompetence/ignorance and power grabs. Nothing more nothing less! The more informed we can all be the better off this country WILL BE...
I'll have a couple drinks after posting this but god forbid I enjoy a smoke. What a fucking joke, glad everyone thinks they know everything because we have a bunch of uninformed citizens that know it all.... C'mon man