So why the f### do plane crashes occur? Why? According to you, because they are trained etc etc, there shouldnt be plane crashes....So why do they happen?
90% of the time is due to mechanical faults and pilot error (insufficient training).
NO ONE KNOWS when they are gonna happen, but when they do happen it is cause of human error.
When you enter a plane, that day might the day one of the mechanics made a f### up.......How do you know for a FACT that when u enter a plane the mechanics did everything properly???? HOW?? Just answer the question, how do you know for a fact? U DONT, U have faith and trust that they did the job properly, otherwise u wouldnt go on the plane....
I just want you to answer these questions.
Dont answer it with another question,
When you go to a resteraunt to eat, when you order your food, can you guarantee 100% proof that the chef wont poison you?
If not, then why do you still eat?
Rostos -
Really. You are bringing this down from a 5th grade debate to a 3rd grade debate.
You eat at the restaurant because you have calculated the risk of being poisoned at extremely low. Out of all of your experience eating out, and all of your knowledge of others eating out - you have a very small chance of being poisoned.
Simply put - your desire to eat out outweighs the risk of being poisoned.
It is a mathematicl equation - and has nothing to do with faith.
Can you get poisoned? YEs. Have people ever been poisoned? I am sure it has happened. Do the very small odds of it happening to you keep you from eating out? No.
THERE IS NO FAITH IN ANY OF THAT. There is mathematic probability calculation going on in your brains computer that tells you to eat out.