"Wimp" in the USA is a term of denigration. No one wants to be a wimp, nor be called one. Even if one is wimpy. Especially if one is wimpy.
After all, one characteristic of the Wimp is that he wants the good opinion of his fellow man.
When you are young, you speak ill of Wimps. Youth tends to be very conformist. As you age, you tend to give a shit a lot less about the opinions of your peers. Because you come to realize that your "peers" are almost all assholes anyway.
I've had a few good friends who are Wimps. Still have one. Don't like to go to beer bars or any working-class place with him to drink, for this reason: Wimps attract bullies like flies attract shit.
They give off some kind of invisible signal to a bully, which sends the latter into attack mode. And if you're with the Wimp, you are going to experience guilt by association.
(Several of these bullies got a big surprise when they mistook me for a Wimp, simply because I was in the company of one. One sidled up to me in a working class bar and said that if I didn't buy him a beer he was going to beat the shit out of me. I handed my glasses to my Wimp friend and announced loudly to the packed bar that they would then be treated to a bout of Extreme Fighting, no holds barred. And told the bully that the first shot was his,and I'd advise him to knock me cold, because if he didn't I intended to murder him. He laughed, said it was all a joke [ it wasn't] and slunk off)
Before stating the main characteristic of the Wimp, let me say that most Wimps, like most males in general, are NOT homosexual. (Probably only about 3 % of the male population is homosexual; definitely not the 15% that sex reseacher Kinsey opined decades ago.)
The percentage of Wimps in the heterosexual male population (by my unscientific survey) is probably around 10 to 15%. And likely the same percentage in the gay population.
The straight Wimp almost invariably shows his wimpiness by one trait: HE LIVES WITH OR MARRIES A WOMEN AT LEAST 5 TO 10 YEARS OLDER THAN HE IS.
Or, he mates with a non-white woman. If his wife or love interest is both older and non-Caucasian (assuming he is) it a sure bet that he is a Wimp.
Reason is that the Wimp is not aggressive,and can't make headway with a normal woman, who by training and eons of evolution wants to sit back (or lie back) and let the male take the sexual lead.
Taking a sexual lead is something the Wimp will not do. Cannot do, psychically.
But there are women, older women, divorcees usually, who have been through the proverbial mill, had relations with all kinds of men, and who then set their bonnet for the Wimp, knowing that by being sexually aggressive with him she'll get a compliant meal ticket for life.
Of course, some of these women may well be naturally aggressive. But with many, I'd guess, their aggressiveness is a learned characteristic.
The friend that I was in the beer bar with when the bully mistook me for a Wimp (because my friend is) is married to a Mexican women about 7 years his senior. When I'm at his house she aggressively sits near him and kisses his face - slurps at it, actually. He pretends she is not even there.
One other thing: this friend makes decent money, but pisses a lot of it away. He's also an addicted gambler (mostly horses). Whether compulsive betting is a wimp trait I don't know.