My latest experience...
I like this food wrap product "press'n seal" by Glad. It stretches, it seals, it's microwavable, it's perfect for wrapping opened produce or any leftovers.
So I'm trying to strip off about one foot of this new roll to wrap a leftover. And the damn thing won't cut off. I stretch off another foot and again, the damn thing won't cut off.
Looking at the product now and I see "New Improved Cutter Bar".
These stupid mudfukkers removed the metal cutter bar and replaced it with a cheaper plastic cutter bar that don't work for sh!t. And they've got the nerve to call it "new and improved"!!!
So I sent them a nasty email about their shitty product. They email me back an apology and offer me a coupon for another free one. WTF??? If I don't like it WHY would I want another?
These Corporate Fukks™ will do anything and everything to squeeze us consumers out of every fukking penny. It's ridiculous. It's way beyond stupid what they have done to make their mega profits.
And nobody cares. Nobody says anything. The millennial dummys have no clue. Zero. None. Everybody just takes it up the azz from these Corporate Fukks™. I don't get it. Call me old and stupid. Call me a dinosaur. But these Corporate Fukks™ just keep taking and taking and taking from the people.