Killer B, I watched your video and it's horrible. Not everything that happens in these countries is the U.S. fault. Me nor Sam Richards stated that.
Also, he isn't my professor, just an interesting Ted talk about empathy, something I believe you lack.
You are letting your patriotism get in the way of feeling empathy. Sure, you're empathetic for the guy who died on 9/11 because it was in your own country and close to home.
Do you realize how many times the U.S. has dropped bombs and killed innocent men, women, and children in the middle east? The numbers are much higher and these people have the same life worth as the man who jumped out of the world trade center. Do you agree with that? Or is their life worth less because they live in the middle east?
Extremist groups like ISIS are always going to be around. It's not America's job to go out and try to kill leaders of groups like this. The continual hunting and killing of members, not limited to all of the innocents that get killed along the way, only fuels these groups on and makes them hate the U.S. even more. Always sticking our nose where it doesn't belong, and they will have you think it's for the common good of the people of said country.
The U.S. does not give a darn about any of these people in other countries, they are their to exploit them and control them. We've killed leaders and chosen our own leaders to take over who have an even worse regiment. You are being blinded and brainwashed by social media and news outlets to believe whatever they want you to think.
Have you traveled to other places in the world and see how other people live and what other people think about these issues? Most of them are same as you and me, no matter where they are from. They have friends, families, anger, they are feeling the same things that we are.
Also, he isn't saying it's a holy war and Christians are attacking? He is comparing our invasion to a holy war (only because president Bush named it a Crusade, which means holy war!) He is only saying that what we are doing is along the same lines, we are trying to fix them and take things from them because we feel like we are right and they are wrong.
Killer B, it's unfortunate that I'm so much younger than you and have already learned more than you about these issues. Your generation is dying, your racist, angry, cynical, jingoism will hopefully be eradicated by the new generation, who are concerned about the awful things that go on in this world and the way our government and politicians act. People my age are waking up and talking about the issues, our country is controlled by corporations and politicians, they don't give a fuk about you or your business, they only care about themselves, I hope you can see that someday.