Anyways take a look at this and give me opinions.
So my girl of about a year and i took a break in September (it was my idea) to sort some things out. She was devastated at first, but eventually was okay. We were still basically a couple though, did all the couple things, went out together, slept together, kissed, messed around, etc.
So as time goes on i feel we have solved our problems and want to reconcile fully as a couple. She says she wants more time.
Well, anyways about a month ago she decides it's not a good idea for a month to sleep together anymore. So of course i'm thinking, well great there's another guy in the picture. There was...but he wasn't interested in her, lol.
So for the last month we've hung out several times and we've both had a great time each time. I've been seeing other people in the last month and have had a few dates, but i really just want to get back together with her (typical, i know...), halo effect, etc. Yeah, i've been in sociology class.
But last night we hang out, and the topic of our Valentines came up and she told me she had a date on Valentines, i told her i had two, which was true
Anyways last night, she was all flirty, and playfully touching me, and telling me i was cute and what not. She has done this on previous occasions as well.
Typing this out, has made me feel so much better, and has again made me realize how tricksy women are.
What would you do in this situation?