From Dave Hodges.
A funny thing happened on my way to writing on a very controversial topic. It just so happens that I inadvertently made my own news. To those who expected to read how the criminal elite are going stop Donald Trump short of singular assassination plot, that story will be printed on this site, tomorrow.
Yesterday, I went to Bank of America to withdraw $1500 cash. You would of thought I had a sign around my neck saying that I was a heroin dealer.
The teller went and got a bank officer who began to question me:
Bank Officer: Sir, what are you using the money for?
Me: I am using it for a legal personal matter. Beyond that, it is none of your business.
Bank Officer; Sir, we can put a hold on your account.
Me: Mr. Bank Officer, I will remove my entire account and deposit it to another bank if I do not have my money in five minutes and I want my money in $100 bills.
Bank Officer: Sir, your threats will not work here and if you are not cooperative and fill out this form, I will call the police and notifiy the IRS. (He wanted me to fill out a Cash Transaction Report which is not required unless your withdrawing $10,000 or more)
Me: Mr. Bank Officer, I refuse to fill out your report because it is not required unless I withdraw $10,000 and your may call who you want…. You obviously do not know the law and who I am. Between my writing and broadcasting, I reach over 2 million people per month. I would say that statistically about 400,000 people have B of A accounts who listen to me or read my articles. Before the end of this month, you will see sizable withdrawals based upon my recantation of this conversations in the public domain. By the way, I am recording this.
The bank officer walked away and disappeared and then came back in a few moments. He instructed the teller to process my request.
Bank Officer: I have reviewed your account history and you have been an excellent customer. You are obviously using the money for honorable purposes. I apologize for any misunderstanding.
Me: Thank you. The purposes for the use of my money, is none of your business, it is a matter for law enforcement. You should think about this when you try to bully the next guy.
I am certain that the threat of my reach and potential action against Bank of America did not influence bank officer’s decision to honor my request. I am sure he called his boss and that they have now filed a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR), and my business affairs will come under the scrutiny of the IRS and possibly the FBI. I have no doubt that they would love to turn me into the next Bundy family member of the banking world. I will have more to say on this topic later in the article.
An Interesting Aside
I requested that my money withdrawal be disbursed in one hundred dollar bills. They had one, count it, one, one hundred dollar bill in the entire bank.
I asked the teller if the bank was making good on the rumor that they were phasing out one hundred dollar bills in their incremental move towards a cashless society. The $10 per hour teller said she they did not know what I was talking about. At that point, and being a little worked up, I asked the teller which arm she was going receive the chip so she could continue buying and selling and working for B of A? She had no idea what I was talking about.
“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” I had images of my Lord and Savior chasing the banksters from the Temple.
Before you move any money, you need to read the following… or you risk going to jail:
Be Careful Who You Speak With
If the Feds do show up to speak with me, I will not be speaking with them about anything of substance. When Martha Stewart was accused of insider trading, Stewart tried to explain away the concerns. That was her big mistake. She was sent to jail for making false statements to federal officials. Note, they can lie to you and try to trick you and the criminal elite have made that legal. But if THEY say you have misled them, or left out one detail, you go to prison and it is your word vs. their word.
When and if the FEDS show up at my door. I will be taping and recording myself saying “I invoke my 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination and reserve my right to be represented by an attorney for all questioning. If I am not under arrest, you need to leave my property and I will arrange a meeting with my attorney.” If you say any more, you are probably going to jail.
Oh, they will threaten you that you making things hard on yourself and that “things will go easier if you cooperate”. Your answer , and the only thing you should say is “I will fully cooperate with you when my attorney is present and since we all have to abide the Constitution, get the hell out of my house”.