The following is from the alert section of the Steve Quayle site. How will negative interest rates affect us? I don't have a clue.
A like minded friend of mine lost his job a year ago. He then found a job
working for a local bank on contract basis. The job he was doing ended
after the year and his boss at the time who is a full time employee of
bank, basically started recommending job posting to him for full time
employment with bank. He contacted me to let me know that today was
first day of new job with bank and he wanted to let me know he was in a
meeting with staff this morning and found out that his new job was to
coordinate as a project manager to test the bank computer systems to see
which might be able to handle negative interests rates and this was
requested by the federal government. I just found this interesting and
never believed Janet Yellen when she said the fed has not looked into or
planned NIRP. Obviously they have been planning this for quite awhile and
it would seem that NIRP may be coming sooner than we think. God Bless-Joe