Has anyone really seen articles, news stories or any huge write ups about black friday this year, 2009. The reason I ask is because the biggest story the last week was the leaking of a stores add. In the last two years all I have heard is how bad, or horrible black friday was going to be. I have not heard the usually dome and gloom this year. I keep being told how bad it is in the job market, how we are at depression levels ( funny thing I still have not seen my first soup line, nor the hobo's jumping off the train to go work in the fields, families having 3 or more tv's, a couple of cars, and cell phones, you now just like the great depression era, but I still see Microsoft has come out with a new operating system), High inflation, wait that was when Reagan took office, and he bought that down. The point is that I really do belive that this tradition will only be used either for or agaisnt the administration that is in office from now on, which is sad.
If we have a good black friday, meaning beating what the so call experts say, Obama will be praise, even go so far as being seen as the new santa claus. And if the black friday is bad, which we know that this administration wants, so they can take over christmas liked everything else, and tell us to spend only so much, and please do not act to christian, because accordding to Obama we are a muselum nation, well at least accordding to him. But back on point, Bush will get the blame if this year people are not out shopping, because he cause the pain and suffering of the public.
The worst part is that the news agencies will go find people who will say that they can spend as much this year, funny thing does anyone every do a follow up interview with these people after christmas to see what they really spent.
Look it, the retailors are beating the numbers, Tiff., J Crew, J C Pennies and others are beating the street, and this not only cost cutting measures. People are spendind money. If you do not belive me, check out the consumer spending idex. All it keeps doing is keep beating up the doom crowd,( ie the current adminstration and the news voices), Why?? Because people are spending money, and belive they are secure in their jobs. Rememnber, the CPI is a measure of feeling about the economy, but the CSI is what the public is actually doing.
I belive we will have a good Christmas season for retailers, and all I can do is wish everyone, a great christmas, and all the best in the new year.