216 - 148 146 - 79 358 - 223 - $200
15 - 4 pods 42 - 17 pods 57 - 21 pods + $5,100
Since Aug 18
4-1 + $400
Regular Plays $100
POD's $200
Revised record for those losers that care about my money based on -150 odds cause im Mr. Chalk and i dont know the actual lines for the previous record..
Yesterday 4 - 1 + $400
Jays POD Yankees
Fridays Picks
Cards - Garcia - 140
Jays - Cecil +100 POD
Phillies - Oswalt - 140
Brewers - Marcum - 140
Rangers - Harrison - 110
Leans Angels - 240 Yanks - 160 Redsox - 124..
BOL to everyone today Haters come play and post picks...