"Today's home run (number seventy), I was just in shock. The chance of hitting a home run off a guy (Dennis Springer) who throws that slow is slim. I just said, `What else can you give me, God? Enough is enough.'" - BARRY BONDS ------- Jet (October 22, 2001)
I liked when everyone was on roids!!!!

Sunday 4-2 +5.13 units - no plays Monday
Tuesday Plays
Cleveland Indians -128 (6 units)
**** Fister (SEA) has lost both starts versus the Tribe this year, but has pitched well. I think the Indians are not a playoff team, however this game is VERY IMPORTANT to them. Cleveland has not lost at home to Detroit the last two years (11-0). Overall Detroit is the better team but think they win this one. With the Indians bullpen of late, it will be close. I just hope they can hold on. I look for a good crowd to get the Tribe fired up tonight.
***** may add more later, looking at Jays and Under Brewers (line dropped off open, something is fishy)
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