Totals: 52-51-4
Sides: 76-59-1
Yesterday: 1-1 for -0,02 Units
Units Won As of 4/17: +26.02 Units
P.O.D. YTD: 36-31
P.O.D.s Won In A Row: 0
P.O.D.s Lost In A Row: 1
Runlines: 10-9
Reverse Runlines: 1-1-1
Game of Week: 1-0
Game of Month: 0-0
Game of Year: 0-0
Useless Fact of the Day #1424:

Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
Friday's MLB Play:

- Boston / Houston OVER 8.5 (-115)
- POD and POM - Qualifies for Both for LVL
As Always, Best of Luck To Everyone Today!