*BUT..minus Cleavon Little....Gene Wilder....Harvey Korman...Madeline Kahn +++
*SM centering the film around himself...wise a-s-s writer sure / leading man NOPE
*not only are the gags incredibly FORCED..but often repeated again and again.....note :a DIARRHEA joke hits the mark in 1-2 seconds or so
*except for constant reminders that Charlize Theron is really hot...you really could care less about anybody here (especially SM)....Liam Neeson is pretty good sure
It's watchable for most...and if you're a member of the 20-30ish bro' group and a huge SM fan..you will probably like it a lot...
Everybody else?.....just enough good stuff to make it kinda funny....serious moviegoers might find it tough to watch.....