yep,this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.....saying someone deserves respect cos they had the "balls" to take an ill-advised shot is about the most moronic,idiotic,non-sensical pile of trash spewed on this site.....wen you take any damn shot you like to try and be the hero to win a game all by yourself it doesnt testify to the size of your "balls",it testifies to the size of your EGO.and we all know kobe had that in abundance,enuff for the whole damn league actually.
more often than not in closing moments he is giving his team the best statistical chance %-wise to WIN THE FRIGGIN GAME.and ya wanna knock him for not wanting to satiate his own ego and cover himself in personal glory??....idiots!!!world-class idiots!!!!!....aint winning the game the whole point of the exercise??
well,at least for sumone like lebron it is anyway..sure its in the best interest of the league to promote players as super-heroes capable of incredible feats INDIVIDUALLY but when it comes to lebron HOMEY DONT PLAY DAT!!!
kobez-nut-rider,go watch the damn tape again,to say that the look bosh got was not a decent,quality look is utter you understand basketball and how little space a good shooter needs to get off a shot??and being from the short corner as well,ya cudnt ask for much better.
and the articles posted earlier statistically proving that kobe is not a great clutch player prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt,if you wont believe hard,raw data shoved rite in front of your eyes then wat the hell will you believe??that is his results!!!!..that is his production!!!..end of friggin story.he is NOT a great "clutch"player at all...MYTH!!!!!!...he is a greedy clutch player,he is a willing clutch player,and he has definitely hit sum awesome clutch game-winners in his time...but numbers show he aint great at the hell ya gunna argue with facts??

as for the debate over who the better player is between kobe and lebron its so laughable and ludicrous it doesnt even bear discussing...lebron has moved way,way past that scrub and has "air" in his sights now.
i co-sign everything rangerz2478 said on the topic,he made perfectly salient,fact-based arguments that simply cannot be refuted.if we aint gonna judge players on raw,outrite production then wat the hell are we gonna judge them on???

..and lebron leaves most in his dust in that things for damn certain,if the stats were flipped and kobe had the much better all-round numbers the poster of this idiotic thread wud not shut the hell up about them.but now he will just dismiss them and put a qualifier next to them like they dont mean nothing??

there is only one category kobe is superior to lebron in and that is range shooting,he is also better than jordan in that regard..but it becomes irrelevant wen every other category he is left far behind.mike and lebron can kill you 50 different ways so never needed to become elite shooters from the arc anyhow.theres more efficient means to destroy an opponent on the court.
by the way NO i aint a lebron fan,not by any means at all.i just aint blind or stupid and can recognise wats rite in front of my boy is chris paul and i like wade and rondo also..lebron wud be about 10th on my list of favourite players to watch