What a waste. All you who waited a ridiculous amount of time (again) for this "Biggest Play of the Night!! Biggest Play of the Night!!" saw it go down to defeat with ease. In fact it was like taking candy from a baby as the play you waited impatiently for lost by some 19 points. I'm still in disbelief why so many of you hoop gamblers wait for hours on this guy's pick, a pick he announces but yet refuses to provide until hours later. This person in question even neglected to provide the pick for someone who requested only fifteen minutes before it was actually released because he had to go to work. Lucky for him the chump refused to do him a favor on this night with this pick, a bigtime loser. We all know the chump has the pick at his disposal when he announces it with some big extravagant heading, like the one tonight for example. Yet he prefers to hold it until he feels enough of you have kissed is behind with your requests. To make matters worse, he doles out a 19-pt loser. Time to grow and facereality people.