He has stated he does not condone taking worse lines.
You could however buy the TT back down a bit as that's always an option.
He has stated he does not condone taking worse lines.
You could however buy the TT back down a bit as that's always an option.
Ok…… gaaawwwed!
Ok…… gaaawwwed!
wasn't that foul on clippers at the end but gave ball to clips so they didn't have to foul Lakers? Shady stuff but you were still right leventis
wasn't that foul on clippers at the end but gave ball to clips so they didn't have to foul Lakers? Shady stuff but you were still right leventis
Aint shady at all. At this time punters should be way pass that and accept it, shady stuff, looks rig, fix etc… tell it like it is… straight to the point… dont hesitate… or meant it half. It is here everyday. Days will come when it looks normal only to let you in again for the next day…. Understand… accept it now.
if coincidence / shocking events occured more than the normal results human analyzed to be the correct outcome, mathematically expected result given time is on our plays advantage as it’s on our side, the mathemtically expected outcome, then it aint a coincidence anymore.
it’s already here long ago and today even leventis play didnt manage to overcome that. With 4 minutes upto 2 minutes the tt winning result should be on the over. It failed due to the “unexpected outcome”
Unexpected results keeps happening every single day for years already, thats already given.
debating if this is rig/ fix / shady etc aint worth it now, it was and it is blatant every single of the day.
if you an average runner an amateur is expected to lose everytime against a runner who has the caliber of usain bolt in a running sport who doesnt have any wagering involve, sure do you loss everytime and we all be correct, and the math will be correct if not every single time then majority of the time.
if this kind of contest suddenly made to be gamble and a runner like you suddenly beat the odds more times than the earlier results above against a same level of runner, then that would be a shocking event and the math failed this time.
and keep failing more and more then that means it is abnormal.
now if that abnormal results keeps happening and it’s been years already where the competition becomes tight suddenly, in our eyes how it unfolds… until the results been made and registered it on paper… then that aint normal anymore… now if this kinds of shocking events keeps happening for 6 years then it becomes normal, it is given.
the abnormal becomes normal and the normal becomes abnormal.
it aint shady anymore, you, we, know now exactly what we are up to when we decide to gamble in this kind of sportswagering.
The shocking events already force itself with its might down to our throat slowly until to its full blown maturity, until it becomes the norm of what we see every single of the day.
sure do a lot will still question it but it wont be an event like it use to, when you celebrating it like before when you win a wager miraculously when you win this kind of outcome…
you seen them happening everyday, you just dont care if you dont have wager on it, or to beat up and down when you lose this kind of wager or feel to bless having the winning side so whats there to excert blaming how you win.
so thats that and we all know what we are up to. How they do it no one exactly knows exactly but in our mind we know this aint usual at first until it become the norm and the only thing that matters is to be on the right side of the their system.
we can vent and complain everytime but hate to say it is what is now. Shady stuff rig fix should be way pass us now as it is happening every single of the day.
hard to beat this stuff now, it was design to go back n forth until you tilt and self destruct, only those who got a patience like monk can gain some advantage. Your 5 0 streak doesnt matter now if you wager 5 plays again the next day, same with 10. Like me and some lol.
the op has patience and looks to me he avoids those sht at a higher rate. And to some who still survives playing soley pre games wager can gain soke advantage too.
Aint shady at all. At this time punters should be way pass that and accept it, shady stuff, looks rig, fix etc… tell it like it is… straight to the point… dont hesitate… or meant it half. It is here everyday. Days will come when it looks normal only to let you in again for the next day…. Understand… accept it now.
if coincidence / shocking events occured more than the normal results human analyzed to be the correct outcome, mathematically expected result given time is on our plays advantage as it’s on our side, the mathemtically expected outcome, then it aint a coincidence anymore.
it’s already here long ago and today even leventis play didnt manage to overcome that. With 4 minutes upto 2 minutes the tt winning result should be on the over. It failed due to the “unexpected outcome”
Unexpected results keeps happening every single day for years already, thats already given.
debating if this is rig/ fix / shady etc aint worth it now, it was and it is blatant every single of the day.
if you an average runner an amateur is expected to lose everytime against a runner who has the caliber of usain bolt in a running sport who doesnt have any wagering involve, sure do you loss everytime and we all be correct, and the math will be correct if not every single time then majority of the time.
if this kind of contest suddenly made to be gamble and a runner like you suddenly beat the odds more times than the earlier results above against a same level of runner, then that would be a shocking event and the math failed this time.
and keep failing more and more then that means it is abnormal.
now if that abnormal results keeps happening and it’s been years already where the competition becomes tight suddenly, in our eyes how it unfolds… until the results been made and registered it on paper… then that aint normal anymore… now if this kinds of shocking events keeps happening for 6 years then it becomes normal, it is given.
the abnormal becomes normal and the normal becomes abnormal.
it aint shady anymore, you, we, know now exactly what we are up to when we decide to gamble in this kind of sportswagering.
The shocking events already force itself with its might down to our throat slowly until to its full blown maturity, until it becomes the norm of what we see every single of the day.
sure do a lot will still question it but it wont be an event like it use to, when you celebrating it like before when you win a wager miraculously when you win this kind of outcome…
you seen them happening everyday, you just dont care if you dont have wager on it, or to beat up and down when you lose this kind of wager or feel to bless having the winning side so whats there to excert blaming how you win.
so thats that and we all know what we are up to. How they do it no one exactly knows exactly but in our mind we know this aint usual at first until it become the norm and the only thing that matters is to be on the right side of the their system.
we can vent and complain everytime but hate to say it is what is now. Shady stuff rig fix should be way pass us now as it is happening every single of the day.
hard to beat this stuff now, it was design to go back n forth until you tilt and self destruct, only those who got a patience like monk can gain some advantage. Your 5 0 streak doesnt matter now if you wager 5 plays again the next day, same with 10. Like me and some lol.
the op has patience and looks to me he avoids those sht at a higher rate. And to some who still survives playing soley pre games wager can gain soke advantage too.
so thats that. You aint just up against rig, fix, shady, premature results if you think so…. The most dangerous part is the gambling fixing, where it happens while the game is playing and the verdict will be up in the air until the designated time.
in the year 2000, i can celebrate an under victory like how this game unfolds if i bet the under and won! Tell my neighbors and friends how lucky i am. A losing side turns into gold.
today nope, it’s just another day at the office. Same thing when one lose like this kind. I bet no one will give extra time to listen as at the back of their mind and yes mind was already conditioned Through time that this is normal now and thats sad but what can one do… but still good you keep mentioning how it is shady etc…
but one should accept this is what it is now.
yes sir basketball is a game of runs, but the question is how many times does the back n forth runs happens, whats the average? Without computing can you feel and comprehend now the difference?
Like how many times one eat in a single day, from 3 to 9 now. Is that normal?
oh the basketball change its rules so now it happens… what rules? You mean Like climate change so people eat 3, now went to 9 ? Thats just an example so you understand… there will be always a reason until you cover all the logical reasons which is…. This is abnormal, until the abnormal results becomes normal.
get it. Sad and destroyed the art of capping, the sports, and sportswagering.
there aint no purity in here, you know it is dirty.
oh how i made a thread in 2019 where i said the movement of intl basketball keeps becoming weird and soon it will go to the big leagues slowly until it became full blown. And here we are.
hope you read some of my thread before regarding how each of the game had went in a day… where i detailed, drop the movement… an example all first q in 10 games went under… or all those who loss the fh covered the 2h.
or the all who cover the fh continue to blow the opponent in 2h and no underdog lines had covered in bunch of a games.
there will be a bunch of those coincidence so do not assume everyday is different.
as a matter of fact this kind of statement or exposure im writing and some who wrote by other people helps them, every avrg joe who suspect and drop down a detailed information like this, straight to the point is a big help to those on the other side………… those organizers or those who are part of the mechanics how this kind of games happens. what we know they know and they’l get it to more complicated.
as a matter of fact i made a real time thread before on how 20 countries in intl basketball playing currently and all fh keep going under… 20 games unsuspected, in sync, same movement real time right before your eyes, after an hour of keep on doing the detailed analysis this change in an instant. so dont think you aint special, every avrg joe is special as long as you got information to drop. Shameless and blatant, so yes dont be ashamed and be blatant if you feel like you want to say what you had seen.
but hope you understand it aint a matter of debate now when you say shady rig fix etc…. Get it to point, the rig has arrived in this game.
They gave a lot of effort already to instill this sht on us, it is what is, you are up against this kind of movement… everyday… add their a.i human behavior analysis running everyday, oh then we up against giants. So i applaud you if you still winning, for whatever reason then thats good. But it is rare these days to have a member who keeps doing it for months like before…. So applaud to the op and the few who can still get it done “consistently”…
so thats that. You aint just up against rig, fix, shady, premature results if you think so…. The most dangerous part is the gambling fixing, where it happens while the game is playing and the verdict will be up in the air until the designated time.
in the year 2000, i can celebrate an under victory like how this game unfolds if i bet the under and won! Tell my neighbors and friends how lucky i am. A losing side turns into gold.
today nope, it’s just another day at the office. Same thing when one lose like this kind. I bet no one will give extra time to listen as at the back of their mind and yes mind was already conditioned Through time that this is normal now and thats sad but what can one do… but still good you keep mentioning how it is shady etc…
but one should accept this is what it is now.
yes sir basketball is a game of runs, but the question is how many times does the back n forth runs happens, whats the average? Without computing can you feel and comprehend now the difference?
Like how many times one eat in a single day, from 3 to 9 now. Is that normal?
oh the basketball change its rules so now it happens… what rules? You mean Like climate change so people eat 3, now went to 9 ? Thats just an example so you understand… there will be always a reason until you cover all the logical reasons which is…. This is abnormal, until the abnormal results becomes normal.
get it. Sad and destroyed the art of capping, the sports, and sportswagering.
there aint no purity in here, you know it is dirty.
oh how i made a thread in 2019 where i said the movement of intl basketball keeps becoming weird and soon it will go to the big leagues slowly until it became full blown. And here we are.
hope you read some of my thread before regarding how each of the game had went in a day… where i detailed, drop the movement… an example all first q in 10 games went under… or all those who loss the fh covered the 2h.
or the all who cover the fh continue to blow the opponent in 2h and no underdog lines had covered in bunch of a games.
there will be a bunch of those coincidence so do not assume everyday is different.
as a matter of fact this kind of statement or exposure im writing and some who wrote by other people helps them, every avrg joe who suspect and drop down a detailed information like this, straight to the point is a big help to those on the other side………… those organizers or those who are part of the mechanics how this kind of games happens. what we know they know and they’l get it to more complicated.
as a matter of fact i made a real time thread before on how 20 countries in intl basketball playing currently and all fh keep going under… 20 games unsuspected, in sync, same movement real time right before your eyes, after an hour of keep on doing the detailed analysis this change in an instant. so dont think you aint special, every avrg joe is special as long as you got information to drop. Shameless and blatant, so yes dont be ashamed and be blatant if you feel like you want to say what you had seen.
but hope you understand it aint a matter of debate now when you say shady rig fix etc…. Get it to point, the rig has arrived in this game.
They gave a lot of effort already to instill this sht on us, it is what is, you are up against this kind of movement… everyday… add their a.i human behavior analysis running everyday, oh then we up against giants. So i applaud you if you still winning, for whatever reason then thats good. But it is rare these days to have a member who keeps doing it for months like before…. So applaud to the op and the few who can still get it done “consistently”…
What possibly could go “‘more wrong” after lakers gabe vincent went for a layup to get the lakers to 102 points at “4:23” left after that points. And the context is the lakers is leading. Means fts in the end very high probabilty it will happen…
ok miss shots, turnovers, the losing team playing too slow, again the “losing team”
review, referee calls gets overturned…
Crucial lapses by professional basketball players in the critical time of the game…
what else could go wrong.
Oh one of those games? Uhm nope.
everyday………. Aint saying just to say it, the proof is overwhelming i dont need to search it hard or keep threading the threads…. No need. You too can do it. Lol
End up 106. Lakers. Thats the topic as this what we played the tt over.
how about the 214.5 line after the 3rd q.
and many more.
now if we had won the wager of tt? Over.
will us be taklkin about this?
Maybe yes maybe not. Oh how come, the fh good for the tt over we got the advantage now those pre game lines, those tt lakers over… got the advantage. It’s how it unfolds that matters.
a winning play, but because how it unfolds to the “extent” to the stretch…. The over loss. Even the pre game line of 220.5 loss. 95 pts in 2h.
yeah it can happen. But you’l be missing the point if you dont know the context.
afterall the op is hot. We wager more on his plays. So thats that. Stretch it to the extent so lakers too lose. Coincidence again? Nope. Lol.
not even a single free throw was awarded to anyone after that gabe” vincent layup in 4:23 seconds of the 4th q. Perfect.
Did this happen to the lakers before this game today? against dallas utah denver wolves charlotte etc… thats 5, you try to run it back 10 games if you like where there’s no ft in the last 4 minutes of the 4th q. The answer is NO.
what a coincidence. Today it happens.
one of those game where a bigger market nba tt over was the play of the hot capper the op, and a lot followed. Big money bigger market placed.
You say coincidence again? Sure do. Of all days today. Lol
thats that. At the end of the day we are on the wrong side of the rig. So keep finding the right side if you can and be thankful if it wins.
keep saying it’s one of those days…
i can state a lot of shocking results every single of the day in nba if not 6/7 in a week.
first things first one should know every single line of the event so you’l get it and can comprehend whats the context.
What possibly could go “‘more wrong” after lakers gabe vincent went for a layup to get the lakers to 102 points at “4:23” left after that points. And the context is the lakers is leading. Means fts in the end very high probabilty it will happen…
ok miss shots, turnovers, the losing team playing too slow, again the “losing team”
review, referee calls gets overturned…
Crucial lapses by professional basketball players in the critical time of the game…
what else could go wrong.
Oh one of those games? Uhm nope.
everyday………. Aint saying just to say it, the proof is overwhelming i dont need to search it hard or keep threading the threads…. No need. You too can do it. Lol
End up 106. Lakers. Thats the topic as this what we played the tt over.
how about the 214.5 line after the 3rd q.
and many more.
now if we had won the wager of tt? Over.
will us be taklkin about this?
Maybe yes maybe not. Oh how come, the fh good for the tt over we got the advantage now those pre game lines, those tt lakers over… got the advantage. It’s how it unfolds that matters.
a winning play, but because how it unfolds to the “extent” to the stretch…. The over loss. Even the pre game line of 220.5 loss. 95 pts in 2h.
yeah it can happen. But you’l be missing the point if you dont know the context.
afterall the op is hot. We wager more on his plays. So thats that. Stretch it to the extent so lakers too lose. Coincidence again? Nope. Lol.
not even a single free throw was awarded to anyone after that gabe” vincent layup in 4:23 seconds of the 4th q. Perfect.
Did this happen to the lakers before this game today? against dallas utah denver wolves charlotte etc… thats 5, you try to run it back 10 games if you like where there’s no ft in the last 4 minutes of the 4th q. The answer is NO.
what a coincidence. Today it happens.
one of those game where a bigger market nba tt over was the play of the hot capper the op, and a lot followed. Big money bigger market placed.
You say coincidence again? Sure do. Of all days today. Lol
thats that. At the end of the day we are on the wrong side of the rig. So keep finding the right side if you can and be thankful if it wins.
keep saying it’s one of those days…
i can state a lot of shocking results every single of the day in nba if not 6/7 in a week.
first things first one should know every single line of the event so you’l get it and can comprehend whats the context.
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