Best site to make money and I mean it guys. It is not that hard to make money using this site but you got to manage your money and bet within limits. So many degenerates here on this sites and they don't know what they're talking about most of the times. blah blah blahh all the fucking time without a clue why they lose every damn nights. I guess they never finish school to have a head to think. Read some investment books and some psychology books especially the human behavior sections so you all can bet with your brain and not your heart. let me ask you this, do you even have a plan to bet each day and how to manage your bank roll accordingly? I guess not and only the ones that keep raking in the money and having fun at these sports betting know what i am talking about. Good luck finding your way to bahamas with all the hot babes and enjoy life.
To remove first post, remove entire topic.
Best site to make money and I mean it guys. It is not that hard to make money using this site but you got to manage your money and bet within limits. So many degenerates here on this sites and they don't know what they're talking about most of the times. blah blah blahh all the fucking time without a clue why they lose every damn nights. I guess they never finish school to have a head to think. Read some investment books and some psychology books especially the human behavior sections so you all can bet with your brain and not your heart. let me ask you this, do you even have a plan to bet each day and how to manage your bank roll accordingly? I guess not and only the ones that keep raking in the money and having fun at these sports betting know what i am talking about. Good luck finding your way to bahamas with all the hot babes and enjoy life.
I agree with your comments. Great site to make money and has been for a long-time. Follow the few out-of-the box thinkers and fade the majority. I have been doing it for a couple of years. My questions for you is about how many games and how much to bet on each one. Do you have any suggestions? I am aware that amount needs to be percentage of bankroll. Do you walk away from a great opportunity because you have already bet your limit for the night?
I agree with your comments. Great site to make money and has been for a long-time. Follow the few out-of-the box thinkers and fade the majority. I have been doing it for a couple of years. My questions for you is about how many games and how much to bet on each one. Do you have any suggestions? I am aware that amount needs to be percentage of bankroll. Do you walk away from a great opportunity because you have already bet your limit for the night?
I would normal bet size from $100 to $200 here and my Max bet with this BR is $500.
I hope this will help ANh em Viet
Quote Originally Posted by buddha72:
I agree with your comments. Great site to make money and has been for a long-time. Follow the few out-of-the box thinkers and fade the majority. I have been doing it for a couple of years. My questions for you is about how many games and how much to bet on each one. Do you have any suggestions? I am aware that amount needs to be percentage of bankroll. Do you walk away from a great opportunity because you have already bet your limit for the night?
let make it simple on 10K bankroll
I would normal bet size from $100 to $200 here and my Max bet with this BR is $500.
I hope this will help ANh em Viet
Quote Originally Posted by buddha72:
I agree with your comments. Great site to make money and has been for a long-time. Follow the few out-of-the box thinkers and fade the majority. I have been doing it for a couple of years. My questions for you is about how many games and how much to bet on each one. Do you have any suggestions? I am aware that amount needs to be percentage of bankroll. Do you walk away from a great opportunity because you have already bet your limit for the night?
I agree with your comments. Great site to make money and has been for a long-time. Follow the few out-of-the box thinkers and fade the majority. I have been doing it for a couple of years. My questions for you is about how many games and how much to bet on each one. Do you have any suggestions? I am aware that amount needs to be percentage of bankroll. Do you walk away from a great opportunity because you have already bet your limit for the night?
Aliright I don't really want to share my success with others because I could careless of what people said or think but I decide to tell you how to win.
1) determine which sports play for the day: To me NFL > NCAA football > NBA > NCAA basketball as to how much money involved wise. Big game will likely have more money involved. It is that simple. If on any given day when there is an NFL game, you better concentrate in the NFL instead of other sports especially the early games because I love to play and know for a fact that so many people will bet on those games. This is where it gives you an advantage because the game likely to be fixed because there is so much money involved whether you like it or not. This is when you look for prices and points. Remember prices such as -120, -115 not neccessary a good thing because the book put it out to confuse people. Points value is important to me more than the prices. The underdogs are value to me more than the popular choices especially the offense teams. Pay attention and you will know what i mean for big game. Disregard any other sports because big games likely to be fixed than stupid games. Make up your mind for the game and covers is the best place to check to see if you make a legit bet. Work very well for 1st, 2nd, and games bet. I don't have a favorite team and I think all the rank teams are highly over rated on big game day. This however does not work very well for last few games on board (50-50).
2) Disregard stats and trend shit. Trust me this is such a small picture and you need to look at the big picture as to where the money will likely be on big game. The teams you can't bear to pick usually yield good results. Determine which one is brain pick and which one is heart pick. Brain pick is usually against the public view and heart pick is like you can't go against the hot team. I love to go against the lakers I can bet against without being afraid. One loss is still one loss whether you pick a good team or a bad team. If you can't stand watch the game then don't. Just know that you make a legit bet whether you lose or win.
3) MONEY MANAGEMENT: man if you guys need to really win you need to set a limit. If i have 4000 bank roll I love to play 2:2:1 or 400 straight. 200:200:100 means you place two straight bets and combime those two with 1 reverse in it. The max you can lose is 6 bucks plus juices and the max you can win is 8 bucks. I like this alot because I don't have a favorite in any of my plays because there is no such thing as a guarantee win. This can decrease my loss more than 200:100 ( 200 on straight and 100 reverse due to a more favorite play) because you really don't know which one will likely cover. Adjust your money management weekly and accordingly.
4) The best time to bet has no "t" in it. Patient will yield rewarding results. I could bet 6 games on any day to 0. I enjoy the process more than playing it. You play to win money and not to play for the game.
5) Last game on board: Here is what I see: When games given high and it goes high ist half: It likely go high in 2nd half and vice versa due to chase bet. I love to play high/low during this situation. You got to determine if the game is truely high is points given. It is harder than you think.
6) Excuse me for my grammar mistakes and I hope you all win some money because it is really not that hard to make. There is so much more to it but that is all I want to share.
[Quote: Originally Posted by buddha72]
I agree with your comments. Great site to make money and has been for a long-time. Follow the few out-of-the box thinkers and fade the majority. I have been doing it for a couple of years. My questions for you is about how many games and how much to bet on each one. Do you have any suggestions? I am aware that amount needs to be percentage of bankroll. Do you walk away from a great opportunity because you have already bet your limit for the night?
Aliright I don't really want to share my success with others because I could careless of what people said or think but I decide to tell you how to win.
1) determine which sports play for the day: To me NFL > NCAA football > NBA > NCAA basketball as to how much money involved wise. Big game will likely have more money involved. It is that simple. If on any given day when there is an NFL game, you better concentrate in the NFL instead of other sports especially the early games because I love to play and know for a fact that so many people will bet on those games. This is where it gives you an advantage because the game likely to be fixed because there is so much money involved whether you like it or not. This is when you look for prices and points. Remember prices such as -120, -115 not neccessary a good thing because the book put it out to confuse people. Points value is important to me more than the prices. The underdogs are value to me more than the popular choices especially the offense teams. Pay attention and you will know what i mean for big game. Disregard any other sports because big games likely to be fixed than stupid games. Make up your mind for the game and covers is the best place to check to see if you make a legit bet. Work very well for 1st, 2nd, and games bet. I don't have a favorite team and I think all the rank teams are highly over rated on big game day. This however does not work very well for last few games on board (50-50).
2) Disregard stats and trend shit. Trust me this is such a small picture and you need to look at the big picture as to where the money will likely be on big game. The teams you can't bear to pick usually yield good results. Determine which one is brain pick and which one is heart pick. Brain pick is usually against the public view and heart pick is like you can't go against the hot team. I love to go against the lakers I can bet against without being afraid. One loss is still one loss whether you pick a good team or a bad team. If you can't stand watch the game then don't. Just know that you make a legit bet whether you lose or win.
3) MONEY MANAGEMENT: man if you guys need to really win you need to set a limit. If i have 4000 bank roll I love to play 2:2:1 or 400 straight. 200:200:100 means you place two straight bets and combime those two with 1 reverse in it. The max you can lose is 6 bucks plus juices and the max you can win is 8 bucks. I like this alot because I don't have a favorite in any of my plays because there is no such thing as a guarantee win. This can decrease my loss more than 200:100 ( 200 on straight and 100 reverse due to a more favorite play) because you really don't know which one will likely cover. Adjust your money management weekly and accordingly.
4) The best time to bet has no "t" in it. Patient will yield rewarding results. I could bet 6 games on any day to 0. I enjoy the process more than playing it. You play to win money and not to play for the game.
5) Last game on board: Here is what I see: When games given high and it goes high ist half: It likely go high in 2nd half and vice versa due to chase bet. I love to play high/low during this situation. You got to determine if the game is truely high is points given. It is harder than you think.
6) Excuse me for my grammar mistakes and I hope you all win some money because it is really not that hard to make. There is so much more to it but that is all I want to share.
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Good idea, but how do u know what team is public on?
Quote Originally Posted by hondacivic:
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Good idea, but how do u know what team is public on?
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Quote Originally Posted by hondacivic:
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Good idea, but how do u know what team is public on?
believe it or not I don't even look at the consensus stats. This can be bias sometimes. For example a line of NBA in the 220 and I check to see the consensus all playing high. This can't be right because your gut won't allow us to do that (psychology effect). I can determine which side the public will likely be on by using covers information given.
Quote Originally Posted by kevinhp67:
Good idea, but how do u know what team is public on?
believe it or not I don't even look at the consensus stats. This can be bias sometimes. For example a line of NBA in the 220 and I check to see the consensus all playing high. This can't be right because your gut won't allow us to do that (psychology effect). I can determine which side the public will likely be on by using covers information given.
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Quote Originally Posted by hondacivic:
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
can you explain what a reverse bet is? i do not get that analogy
great write up
reverse means if you hit both bet you win 4 times. You lose both bets you lose double and you lose one bet you lose single. 2:2:1 means if I hit both bets I will win 8. If I'm 1-1 i lose 1 plus juices. If I lose both then I lose 6 plus juices. The chance of me losing 2 is not that high with my capping. Even if I lose both I'm not sweat about it and wait for the next opportunity.
Quote Originally Posted by Marky_Mark13:
can you explain what a reverse bet is? i do not get that analogy
great write up
reverse means if you hit both bet you win 4 times. You lose both bets you lose double and you lose one bet you lose single. 2:2:1 means if I hit both bets I will win 8. If I'm 1-1 i lose 1 plus juices. If I lose both then I lose 6 plus juices. The chance of me losing 2 is not that high with my capping. Even if I lose both I'm not sweat about it and wait for the next opportunity.
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Quote Originally Posted by hondacivic:
Thank you for the great post. I agree with you on many points. Here is my suggestion. I usually calculate the spread by myself before checking with any books. Then I compare my spread with book's. If there is a big difference means the books are making a fishy spread or money lines. I then check the betting trend 10 mins before the game starts. If the public favor on a favorite team with low spread, I will for sure bet on the underdog. Trust me, I win over 80% of the time and that's why books are in business for years.
Reverse not a good idea ,, just parlay two teams,, better payout odds vs risk and no juice,, but even that is not good idea to do to often,, but whatever floats your boat i guess, just do not think its for everyone,,
Reverse not a good idea ,, just parlay two teams,, better payout odds vs risk and no juice,, but even that is not good idea to do to often,, but whatever floats your boat i guess, just do not think its for everyone,,
Not so sure what you meant with all this jibber jabber as nobody knows on any given night who is gonna win a game, hence why its called gambling, I can't belive i read this post.
Not so sure what you meant with all this jibber jabber as nobody knows on any given night who is gonna win a game, hence why its called gambling, I can't belive i read this post.
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