i would like to thank everyone for you support i get a lot of joy sharing my winning plays with everyone. i hate losing. i do stress that not every night is going to go this well.. I STRESS TO BET IN SMALL UNIT SIZES.. i used to bet like half my bank roll with i first started out when i was 18 now i'm 22 and i''ve learned the strategies come out ahead.
i would also like to thank everyone on covers for all their knowledge. this site is awesome. but i hate the people who rag on other cappers for having a bad night or 2. get a life. everyone should be supporting each other not bringing them down to boast their own EGO or to make a name for themselves.
i know this is a little preachy but i had to say it. cause when i have a bad day i don't want to get blamed for someone losing a lot of money i warned people many times..
no one is perfect u said this well i think the key is to always play the same amount on each wager
ty very much for the effort u put in