Chaosorb 1-0 +100
Chau1027 3-2 +100
Chauner1 0-1 -100
Chezman 1-2 -100
ChicagoBulls 1-5-1 -400
Child Pleez 0-2 -200
Chillinmcm 0-3 -300
ChuckStyle 3-1 +200
Chump 0-2 -200
ClearVision 5-3-1 +200
Cmoney4 0-1 -100
Cntoast 1-0 +100
ColdBeer4DaSoul 4-4 +0
Colts49ers 0-2 -200
Comethru2000 1-1 +0
Coolcat 1-0 +100
Coreyg1292 1-0 +100
Courgarenegade 2-1 +100
Coverspicks 1-0 +100
Cox37 4-6 -200
Crack3r 3-3 +0
Craven Moore 1-0 +100
Creepa 4-6-1 -200
Croato 0-1 -100
Cubs4life 1-0 +100
Dacaw 1-0-1 +100
Daman7676 0-1 -100
DannyMaster 18-21-1 -300
Danxduhxman 0-2 -200
DaSoxx 0-1 -100
Dave7680 1-0 +100
Davidvietdo 0-1 -100
DeadHate 8-7 +100
Depressed 0-1 -100
DGlaze91 2-0 +200
Dimeplayer68 0-1 -100
Dirk-34 2-0 +200
Djmarks71 0-1 -100
Djunique 1-0 +100
Djwill30 1-0 +100
Dkelley72875 1-0 +100
Dogjimbo 0-0-1
DogsWinAtHome 1-2 -100
Dolphins84 0-1 -100 No College!
Donny07 1-4-1 -300
DoubleDown 0-1 -100
Doubleparring1 1-4 -300
Dragongames 0-1 -100
Drudatt108 4-10-1 -600
Dshell 2-4 -200
EaglesWiilSoar 0-2 -200
Ebbottom 2-1 +100
EddersIsRight 1-4 -300
EdgeVibes22 1-0 +100
Elchavodel8 2-1 +100
Elemental 1-0 +100
Elsewhere 2-1 +100
Eltacoman 0-1 -100
Eltimexpert 1-4 -300
Emililanos 3-3 +0
Emperor1 1-1 +0
Esseh 1-3 -200
Essential9 1-0 +100
Euc216 1-1 +0
Evantorr 1-0 +100
Falcons1212 1-1 +0
Fazer69er 0-1 -100
Fennster 3-1 +200
Fmlr 0-1 -100
Footballfan2005 1-2 -100
Forty7 3-3 -0
Forty9ersfan80 0-1 -100
Fr3sh-like-Ughh 2-0 +200
Franz555 0-2 -200
FreshMoney 2-0 +200
Fungusfosho 3-1 +200
Fuzzjansa 0-1 -100
G-picks 2-3 -100
G-Man860 1-2 -100
Gaia 0-1 -100
Gamerz 2-1 +100
Gametime2008 1-0 +100 Only 1 play allowed!
Gamble04 0-1 -100
Gambler27 1-0 +100
Garfield88 6-4 +200
Gators4Life 2-2 +0
Geezrus 0-1 -100
Giannidis 0-2 -200
GiveMeSome 3-2 +100
Glenndef62 6-4 +200
Goaldlocks 1-1 -0
Gopuckyourself 1-0 +100 No MLs!
Gore31 0-1 -100
GotWins9 5-6 -100
GreedyBastard 0-2 -200
Gsp10 3-5 -200
Hammr 5-4 +100
Handpicked 3-2 +100
HannahMontana 0-2 -200
HappyHolloween 2-1 +100
Hardeestar 2-3 -100
Hardknocks9 2-2 -0
Harchibald 1-0 +100
HawaiinWarrior 1-0 +100
Headhunter8383 0-0-1 +0
Heartbreakkid 0-1 -100
Heels0501 0-1 -100
Hendog 0-1 -100
Hensonfire 1-0 +100
HiHoldEm 0-1 -100
HisDudeness 0-1 -100
HoldenRg 4-10 -600
Hollywood 06 0-1 -100
Hoosiergator 1-0 +100
I Win You Lose 4-3-1 +100
Ice 0-2 -200
Iceberg14 1-1 +0
Ickis 1-0 +100
Icover4you 2-3-1 -100
Igotthegoods 1-0 +100
Iggs111 1-1 +0
IlikeDawgs 2-0-1 +200
Illriskitall 1-0 +100
Infamous One 0-1 -100
Investments4you 0-1 -100
Iphone 6-5 +100
Iwant2exposenyk 1-0 +100
Ivanajera 0-1 -100
Izzy-2020 4-2 +200
JakeG 1-3 -200 Sorry for the error.
Jakemontana 0-1 -100
JamesTKirk 1-2 -100
JaxJag99 0-1 -100
Jaysvdubwhat 3-4-1 -100
JCWhy83 5-2 +300
Jdhause 1-0 +100
Jeremy Lin 0-1 -100
JerryRice80 0-1 -100
Jettson12 1-1-1 +0
Jgannon50 0-2 -200
Jimmy NBA 13-13 +0
Jimmysidekick 0-3 -300
Jimmywins1 0-1 -100
JimsJohnson 0-1 -100
Jive Turkey 6-6 +0
JLzone 7-8 -100
Jmarkog 1-2 -100
Jnumbers 1-1 +0
JoeFan 1-0 +100
Joggre 1-1 +0
JohnnyBad 1-2 -100
JohnKimble 3-5 -200
JohnnyNumbers 1-3 -200
Johnnypicks 1-0 +100
Jondlx99 0-1 -100
Josec24 0-1 -100
Joshjacobs87 0-2 -200
JqChicago 1-0 +100
Jtbpbln 8-10 -200
Jtelemag 0-2 -200
Jt West 0-1 -100
Jukstapose 2-1 +100
Julius18 16-25-1 -900
Juveunits 0-0-1 +0
K4ngur13 2-2 +0
Karkeskam 0-1 -100
Kasu 1-0-1 +100
KayN 1-0 +100
KCmac38 18-22-2 -400 Thanks for the props!
Keepitstrict 4-3 +100
Ken9198 1-0 +100
Kendog 3 3-1 +200 Please no half plays!
Kenpachi 0-1 -100
Kevincasey843 1-0 +100
Khmerkid 20-20-2 +0
KillerKardoogan 1-0 +100
Kimats 1-1-1 +0
King55dez 15-13-1 +200
KingDat74 1-3 -200
KingKappy128 2-2 +0
KixMix 1-0 +100
Kiyakel 0-2 -200
KnightofSorrow 1-0 +100
Knockhouse 1-0 +100
Komatsu 2-3 -100
Krg 3-6 -300
Krw618 2-0 +200
Ktown 1-0 +100
Lacral 5-3 +200
LaDaddy 1-1 -0
Lady Luck 1-0 +100
Laker34kb 0-1 -100
LakeShowtime 1-0 +100
Lapic 0-1 -100
Leafs4Life 2-0 +200
Lionheart58 1-0 +100
Little Fish 1-0 +100
Livestrong4 0-4 -400
LockBet 0-1 -100
Logica1 0-1 -100
LoneWolf78 2-10 +100
Longusa 20-22-1 -200
LoserNation 1-0 +100
Loubs33 0-2 -200
Louis IV 4-10 -600
LowKey252 1-0 +100
Loz27 4-5 -100
LT90 12-18 -600
Lts41 2-1 +100
Lucky13USA 1-2 -100
Lumppiddy 1-1 +0
Luv-to-Gamble 8-6 +200
Luv2golf 5-3 +200
Lxnew2000 9-10 -100
Chaosorb 1-0 +100
Chau1027 3-2 +100
Chauner1 0-1 -100
Chezman 1-2 -100
ChicagoBulls 1-5-1 -400
Child Pleez 0-2 -200
Chillinmcm 0-3 -300
ChuckStyle 3-1 +200
Chump 0-2 -200
ClearVision 5-3-1 +200
Cmoney4 0-1 -100
Cntoast 1-0 +100
ColdBeer4DaSoul 4-4 +0
Colts49ers 0-2 -200
Comethru2000 1-1 +0
Coolcat 1-0 +100
Coreyg1292 1-0 +100
Courgarenegade 2-1 +100
Coverspicks 1-0 +100
Cox37 4-6 -200
Crack3r 3-3 +0
Craven Moore 1-0 +100
Creepa 4-6-1 -200
Croato 0-1 -100
Cubs4life 1-0 +100
Dacaw 1-0-1 +100
Daman7676 0-1 -100
DannyMaster 18-21-1 -300
Danxduhxman 0-2 -200
DaSoxx 0-1 -100
Dave7680 1-0 +100
Davidvietdo 0-1 -100
DeadHate 8-7 +100
Depressed 0-1 -100
DGlaze91 2-0 +200
Dimeplayer68 0-1 -100
Dirk-34 2-0 +200
Djmarks71 0-1 -100
Djunique 1-0 +100
Djwill30 1-0 +100
Dkelley72875 1-0 +100
Dogjimbo 0-0-1
DogsWinAtHome 1-2 -100
Dolphins84 0-1 -100 No College!
Donny07 1-4-1 -300
DoubleDown 0-1 -100
Doubleparring1 1-4 -300
Dragongames 0-1 -100
Drudatt108 4-10-1 -600
Dshell 2-4 -200
EaglesWiilSoar 0-2 -200
Ebbottom 2-1 +100
EddersIsRight 1-4 -300
EdgeVibes22 1-0 +100
Elchavodel8 2-1 +100
Elemental 1-0 +100
Elsewhere 2-1 +100
Eltacoman 0-1 -100
Eltimexpert 1-4 -300
Emililanos 3-3 +0
Emperor1 1-1 +0
Esseh 1-3 -200
Essential9 1-0 +100
Euc216 1-1 +0
Evantorr 1-0 +100
Falcons1212 1-1 +0
Fazer69er 0-1 -100
Fennster 3-1 +200
Fmlr 0-1 -100
Footballfan2005 1-2 -100
Forty7 3-3 -0
Forty9ersfan80 0-1 -100
Fr3sh-like-Ughh 2-0 +200
Franz555 0-2 -200
FreshMoney 2-0 +200
Fungusfosho 3-1 +200
Fuzzjansa 0-1 -100
G-picks 2-3 -100
G-Man860 1-2 -100
Gaia 0-1 -100
Gamerz 2-1 +100
Gametime2008 1-0 +100 Only 1 play allowed!
Gamble04 0-1 -100
Gambler27 1-0 +100
Garfield88 6-4 +200
Gators4Life 2-2 +0
Geezrus 0-1 -100
Giannidis 0-2 -200
GiveMeSome 3-2 +100
Glenndef62 6-4 +200
Goaldlocks 1-1 -0
Gopuckyourself 1-0 +100 No MLs!
Gore31 0-1 -100
GotWins9 5-6 -100
GreedyBastard 0-2 -200
Gsp10 3-5 -200
Hammr 5-4 +100
Handpicked 3-2 +100
HannahMontana 0-2 -200
HappyHolloween 2-1 +100
Hardeestar 2-3 -100
Hardknocks9 2-2 -0
Harchibald 1-0 +100
HawaiinWarrior 1-0 +100
Headhunter8383 0-0-1 +0
Heartbreakkid 0-1 -100
Heels0501 0-1 -100
Hendog 0-1 -100
Hensonfire 1-0 +100
HiHoldEm 0-1 -100
HisDudeness 0-1 -100
HoldenRg 4-10 -600
Hollywood 06 0-1 -100
Hoosiergator 1-0 +100
I Win You Lose 4-3-1 +100
Ice 0-2 -200
Iceberg14 1-1 +0
Ickis 1-0 +100
Icover4you 2-3-1 -100
Igotthegoods 1-0 +100
Iggs111 1-1 +0
IlikeDawgs 2-0-1 +200
Illriskitall 1-0 +100
Infamous One 0-1 -100
Investments4you 0-1 -100
Iphone 6-5 +100
Iwant2exposenyk 1-0 +100
Ivanajera 0-1 -100
Izzy-2020 4-2 +200
JakeG 1-3 -200 Sorry for the error.
Jakemontana 0-1 -100
JamesTKirk 1-2 -100
JaxJag99 0-1 -100
Jaysvdubwhat 3-4-1 -100
JCWhy83 5-2 +300
Jdhause 1-0 +100
Jeremy Lin 0-1 -100
JerryRice80 0-1 -100
Jettson12 1-1-1 +0
Jgannon50 0-2 -200
Jimmy NBA 13-13 +0
Jimmysidekick 0-3 -300
Jimmywins1 0-1 -100
JimsJohnson 0-1 -100
Jive Turkey 6-6 +0
JLzone 7-8 -100
Jmarkog 1-2 -100
Jnumbers 1-1 +0
JoeFan 1-0 +100
Joggre 1-1 +0
JohnnyBad 1-2 -100
JohnKimble 3-5 -200
JohnnyNumbers 1-3 -200
Johnnypicks 1-0 +100
Jondlx99 0-1 -100
Josec24 0-1 -100
Joshjacobs87 0-2 -200
JqChicago 1-0 +100
Jtbpbln 8-10 -200
Jtelemag 0-2 -200
Jt West 0-1 -100
Jukstapose 2-1 +100
Julius18 16-25-1 -900
Juveunits 0-0-1 +0
K4ngur13 2-2 +0
Karkeskam 0-1 -100
Kasu 1-0-1 +100
KayN 1-0 +100
KCmac38 18-22-2 -400 Thanks for the props!
Keepitstrict 4-3 +100
Ken9198 1-0 +100
Kendog 3 3-1 +200 Please no half plays!
Kenpachi 0-1 -100
Kevincasey843 1-0 +100
Khmerkid 20-20-2 +0
KillerKardoogan 1-0 +100
Kimats 1-1-1 +0
King55dez 15-13-1 +200
KingDat74 1-3 -200
KingKappy128 2-2 +0
KixMix 1-0 +100
Kiyakel 0-2 -200
KnightofSorrow 1-0 +100
Knockhouse 1-0 +100
Komatsu 2-3 -100
Krg 3-6 -300
Krw618 2-0 +200
Ktown 1-0 +100
Lacral 5-3 +200
LaDaddy 1-1 -0
Lady Luck 1-0 +100
Laker34kb 0-1 -100
LakeShowtime 1-0 +100
Lapic 0-1 -100
Leafs4Life 2-0 +200
Lionheart58 1-0 +100
Little Fish 1-0 +100
Livestrong4 0-4 -400
LockBet 0-1 -100
Logica1 0-1 -100
LoneWolf78 2-10 +100
Longusa 20-22-1 -200
LoserNation 1-0 +100
Loubs33 0-2 -200
Louis IV 4-10 -600
LowKey252 1-0 +100
Loz27 4-5 -100
LT90 12-18 -600
Lts41 2-1 +100
Lucky13USA 1-2 -100
Lumppiddy 1-1 +0
Luv-to-Gamble 8-6 +200
Luv2golf 5-3 +200
Lxnew2000 9-10 -100
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