Joined: Oct, 2007
Posts: 8971
Posted: Jan. 5, 2010 - 7:06 PM ET
the rest: 082278 0-1 -100 1 Hits 9-21 -1200 100DimeWinner 1-0 +100 1904Baller 11-14 -300 44 Dimes 2-6 -400 4Seasons 2-4 -200 70wattlepark 0-1 -100 8888Vegas 1-2 -100 96 Bulls 1-0 +100 Aalon 0-1 -100 Abnormality 1-2 -100 Abuyumiko 4-5 -100 Addict101 0-1 -100 Adidas Azn 1-3 -200 Ag6471 1-0 +100 Aggroking 0-1 -100 Airforce10 0-1 -100 Ajspicks 2-1 +100 Alimonychecks 0-1 -100 Angelfunk 1-1 +0 Animax 12-17-1 -500 Annabanana 4-3 +100 ApexPredator 3-3 +0 Aprasad12 0-1 -100 Arkadymo 0-3 -300 Astroblitz2001 1-0 +100 Athan09 1-1 +0 Au USbound 1-0 +100 B Mag21 0-2-1 -200 Babs1540 2-1 +100 Baerga44 1-5-1 -400 Ballgame1881 0-1 -100 Bander16 0-1 -100 BankX718 1-1 +0 Barbarossa 0-1 -100 BarcsHasBite 0-1 -100 Bbaker2266 0-0-1 +0 Beans4bear 2-1 +100 Sorry for the error. Ben-Dover 5-4 +100 Bomby2007 0-1 -100 BigGame90 0-1 -100 The baseball pool was run independently from my thread. Since you were not in the pool you did not win any money. BigPapa 1-0 +100 BigSamDawg 1-0 +100 BigWinner77 2-1 +100 Only 1 play please! BigYahtzee 0-1 -100 BillisR21 0-1 -100 Bloody Sunday 2-4 -200 BMB48 0-1 -100 Bnahwdm 1-0 +100 Bolt 0-2 -200 Book101 1-0 +100 Bookie Mat Lon 0-1 -100 Boomersooner42 2-1 +100 Booshasta 0-1 -100 Borat38 1-2 -100 BostonGeorge24 0-1 -100 Budlightboy23 2-1 +100 Bunk97 0-1 -100 Burg2Vegas 0-1 -100 Burnik 1-2 -100 Bwong143 1-0 +100 Capskip 1-1 -0 Cashaholic 1-2 -100 Caspe12 1-1-1 +0 Catmanzi 0-1 -100 Cdo141 1-0 +100 Chaosorb 1-0 +100 Chau1027 0-1 -100 Chauner1 0-1 -100 Chezman 1-2 -100 ChicagoBulls 1-5-1 -400 Child Pleez 0-2 -200 Chillinmcm 0-3 -300 Chump 0-2 -200 Cmoney4 0-1 -100 Cntoast 1-0 +100 ColdBeer4DaSoul 4-4 +0 Colts49ers 0-2 -200 Comethru2000 1-0 +100 Thanks for the props! Coolcat 1-0 +100 Coreyg1292 1-0 +100 Courgarenegade 2-1 +100 Coverspicks 1-0 +100 Cox37 4-6 -200 Crack3r 3-3 +0 Craven Moore 1-0 +100 Creepa 4-6-1 -200 Croato 0-1 -100 Cubs4life 1-0 +100 Dacaw 1-0-1 +100 Daman7676 0-1 -100 DannyMaster 15-20-1 -700 Danxduhxman 0-2 -200 DaSoxx 0-1 -100 Davidvietdo 0-1 -100 Depressed 0-1 -100 Dimeplayer68 0-1 -100 Djmarks71 0-1 -100 Djunique 1-0 +100 Djwill30 1-0 +100 Dkelley72875 1-0 +100 Dogjimbo 0-0-1 DogsWinAtHome 1-2 -100 Donny07 1-4-1 -300 DoubleDown 0-1 -100 Doubleparring1 1-4 -300 Drudatt108 3-9 -600 Dshell 2-4 -200 EaglesWiilSoar 0-2 -200 Ebbottom 2-1 +100 EddersIsRight 1-4 -300 EdgeVibes22 1-0 +100 Elchavodel8 2-1 +100 Elemental 1-0 +100 Elsewhere 2-1 +100 Eltacoman 0-1 -100 Eltimexpert 1-4 -300 Emililanos 1-0 +100 Emperor1 1-1 +0 Esseh 1-3 -200 Essential9 1-0 +100 Euc216 1-1 +0 Evantorr 1-0 +100 Falcons1212 1-1 +0 Fazer69er 0-1 -100 Fmlr 0-1 -100 Footballfan2005 0-2 -200 Forty7 2-2 +0 Forty9ersfan80 0-1 -100 Franz555 0-2 -200 Fuzzjansa 0-1 -100 G-picks 2-3 -100 Gaia 0-1 -100 Gamerz 2-1 +100 Gametime2008 1-0 +100 Only 1 play allowed! Gamble04 0-1 -100 Gambler27 1-0 +100 Gators4Life 2-2 +0 Geezrus 0-1 -100 Giannidis 0-1 -100 GiveMeSome 3-2 +100 Goaldlocks 1-1 -0 Gopuckyourself 1-0 +100 No MLs! GotWins9 5-6 -100 GreedyBastard 0-2 -200 Gsp10 3-5 -200 Hammr 5-4 +100 Handpicked 3-2 +100 HannahMontana 0-2 -200 HappyHolloween 1-1 +0 Hardeestar 1-3 -200 Hardknocks9 1-2 -100 Harchibald 1-0 +100 Headhunter8383 0-0-1 +0 Heartbreakkid 0-1 -100 Heels0501 0-1 -100 Hendog 0-1 -100 Hensonfire 1-0 +100 HiHoldEm 0-1 -100 HoldenRg 4-10 -600 Hollywood 06 0-1 -100 I Win You Lose 4-3-1 +100 Ice 0-2 -200 Iceberg14 1-0 +100 Ickis 1-0 +100 Icover4you 2-2-1 +0 Igotthegoods 1-0 +100 Iggs111 1-1 +0 Illriskitall 1-0 +100 Infamous One 0-1 -100 Investments4you 0-1 -100 Iphone 6-5 +100 Iwant2exposenyk 1-0 +100 Ivanajera 0-1 -100 JakeG 1-3 -200 Sorry for the error. Jakemontana 0-1 -100 JaxJag99 0-1 -100 Jaysvdubwhat 3-4-1 -100 Jeremy Lin 0-1 -100 JerryRice80 0-1 -100 Jettson12 1-1-1 +0 Jimmy NBA 13-13 +0 Jimmysidekick 0-3 -300 Jimmywins1 0-1 -100 JimsJohnson 0-1 -100 Jive Turkey 6-6 +0 JLzone 7-8 -100 Jmarkog 1-0 +100 Jnumbers 1-1 +0 JoeFan 1-0 +100 JohnnyBad 1-2 -100 JohnKimble 3-4 -100 JohnnyNumbers 1-3 -200 Johnnypicks 1-0 +100 Josec24 0-1 -100 Joshjacobs87 0-2 -200 JqChicago 1-0 +100 Jtbpbln 8-10 -200 Jtelemag 0-2 -200 Jt West 0-1 -100 Jukstapose 2-1 +100 Julius18 15-21-1 -600 K4ngur13 2-2 +0 Karkeskam 0-1 -100 Kasu 1-0-1 +100 KayN 1-0 +100 KCmac38 18-22-2 -400 Thanks for the props! Keepitstrict 4-3 +100 Ken9198 1-0 +100 Kenpachi 0-1 -100 Kevincasey843 1-0 +100 Khmerkid 20-20-2 +0 KillerKardoogan 1-0 +100 Kimats 1-0-1 +100 King55dez 9-11-1 -200 KingDat74 1-3 -200 KingKappy128 2-2 +0 KixMix 1-0 +100 KnightofSorrow 1-0 +100 Knockhouse 1-0 +100 Komatsu 2-1 +100 Krg 3-6 -300 Ktown 1-0 +100 Lacral 0-1 -100 LaDaddy 1-1 -0 Lady Luck 1-0 +100 Laker34kb 0-1 -100 LakeShowtime 1-0 +100 Lapic 0-1 -100 Lionheart58 1-0 +100 Little Fish 1-0 +100 Livestrong4 0-4 -400 LockBet 0-1 -100 Logica1 0-1 -100 LoneWolf78 2-10 +100 Longusa 15-20-1 -500 LoserNation 1-0 +100 Loubs33 0-2 -200 Louis IV 4-10 -600 LowKey252 1-0 +100
the rest: 082278 0-1 -100 1 Hits 9-21 -1200 100DimeWinner 1-0 +100 1904Baller 11-14 -300 44 Dimes 2-6 -400 4Seasons 2-4 -200 70wattlepark 0-1 -100 8888Vegas 1-2 -100 96 Bulls 1-0 +100 Aalon 0-1 -100 Abnormality 1-2 -100 Abuyumiko 4-5 -100 Addict101 0-1 -100 Adidas Azn 1-3 -200 Ag6471 1-0 +100 Aggroking 0-1 -100 Airforce10 0-1 -100 Ajspicks 2-1 +100 Alimonychecks 0-1 -100 Angelfunk 1-1 +0 Animax 12-17-1 -500 Annabanana 4-3 +100 ApexPredator 3-3 +0 Aprasad12 0-1 -100 Arkadymo 0-3 -300 Astroblitz2001 1-0 +100 Athan09 1-1 +0 Au USbound 1-0 +100 B Mag21 0-2-1 -200 Babs1540 2-1 +100 Baerga44 1-5-1 -400 Ballgame1881 0-1 -100 Bander16 0-1 -100 BankX718 1-1 +0 Barbarossa 0-1 -100 BarcsHasBite 0-1 -100 Bbaker2266 0-0-1 +0 Beans4bear 2-1 +100 Sorry for the error. Ben-Dover 5-4 +100 Bomby2007 0-1 -100 BigGame90 0-1 -100 The baseball pool was run independently from my thread. Since you were not in the pool you did not win any money. BigPapa 1-0 +100 BigSamDawg 1-0 +100 BigWinner77 2-1 +100 Only 1 play please! BigYahtzee 0-1 -100 BillisR21 0-1 -100 Bloody Sunday 2-4 -200 BMB48 0-1 -100 Bnahwdm 1-0 +100 Bolt 0-2 -200 Book101 1-0 +100 Bookie Mat Lon 0-1 -100 Boomersooner42 2-1 +100 Booshasta 0-1 -100 Borat38 1-2 -100 BostonGeorge24 0-1 -100 Budlightboy23 2-1 +100 Bunk97 0-1 -100 Burg2Vegas 0-1 -100 Burnik 1-2 -100 Bwong143 1-0 +100 Capskip 1-1 -0 Cashaholic 1-2 -100 Caspe12 1-1-1 +0 Catmanzi 0-1 -100 Cdo141 1-0 +100 Chaosorb 1-0 +100 Chau1027 0-1 -100 Chauner1 0-1 -100 Chezman 1-2 -100 ChicagoBulls 1-5-1 -400 Child Pleez 0-2 -200 Chillinmcm 0-3 -300 Chump 0-2 -200 Cmoney4 0-1 -100 Cntoast 1-0 +100 ColdBeer4DaSoul 4-4 +0 Colts49ers 0-2 -200 Comethru2000 1-0 +100 Thanks for the props! Coolcat 1-0 +100 Coreyg1292 1-0 +100 Courgarenegade 2-1 +100 Coverspicks 1-0 +100 Cox37 4-6 -200 Crack3r 3-3 +0 Craven Moore 1-0 +100 Creepa 4-6-1 -200 Croato 0-1 -100 Cubs4life 1-0 +100 Dacaw 1-0-1 +100 Daman7676 0-1 -100 DannyMaster 15-20-1 -700 Danxduhxman 0-2 -200 DaSoxx 0-1 -100 Davidvietdo 0-1 -100 Depressed 0-1 -100 Dimeplayer68 0-1 -100 Djmarks71 0-1 -100 Djunique 1-0 +100 Djwill30 1-0 +100 Dkelley72875 1-0 +100 Dogjimbo 0-0-1 DogsWinAtHome 1-2 -100 Donny07 1-4-1 -300 DoubleDown 0-1 -100 Doubleparring1 1-4 -300 Drudatt108 3-9 -600 Dshell 2-4 -200 EaglesWiilSoar 0-2 -200 Ebbottom 2-1 +100 EddersIsRight 1-4 -300 EdgeVibes22 1-0 +100 Elchavodel8 2-1 +100 Elemental 1-0 +100 Elsewhere 2-1 +100 Eltacoman 0-1 -100 Eltimexpert 1-4 -300 Emililanos 1-0 +100 Emperor1 1-1 +0 Esseh 1-3 -200 Essential9 1-0 +100 Euc216 1-1 +0 Evantorr 1-0 +100 Falcons1212 1-1 +0 Fazer69er 0-1 -100 Fmlr 0-1 -100 Footballfan2005 0-2 -200 Forty7 2-2 +0 Forty9ersfan80 0-1 -100 Franz555 0-2 -200 Fuzzjansa 0-1 -100 G-picks 2-3 -100 Gaia 0-1 -100 Gamerz 2-1 +100 Gametime2008 1-0 +100 Only 1 play allowed! Gamble04 0-1 -100 Gambler27 1-0 +100 Gators4Life 2-2 +0 Geezrus 0-1 -100 Giannidis 0-1 -100 GiveMeSome 3-2 +100 Goaldlocks 1-1 -0 Gopuckyourself 1-0 +100 No MLs! GotWins9 5-6 -100 GreedyBastard 0-2 -200 Gsp10 3-5 -200 Hammr 5-4 +100 Handpicked 3-2 +100 HannahMontana 0-2 -200 HappyHolloween 1-1 +0 Hardeestar 1-3 -200 Hardknocks9 1-2 -100 Harchibald 1-0 +100 Headhunter8383 0-0-1 +0 Heartbreakkid 0-1 -100 Heels0501 0-1 -100 Hendog 0-1 -100 Hensonfire 1-0 +100 HiHoldEm 0-1 -100 HoldenRg 4-10 -600 Hollywood 06 0-1 -100 I Win You Lose 4-3-1 +100 Ice 0-2 -200 Iceberg14 1-0 +100 Ickis 1-0 +100 Icover4you 2-2-1 +0 Igotthegoods 1-0 +100 Iggs111 1-1 +0 Illriskitall 1-0 +100 Infamous One 0-1 -100 Investments4you 0-1 -100 Iphone 6-5 +100 Iwant2exposenyk 1-0 +100 Ivanajera 0-1 -100 JakeG 1-3 -200 Sorry for the error. Jakemontana 0-1 -100 JaxJag99 0-1 -100 Jaysvdubwhat 3-4-1 -100 Jeremy Lin 0-1 -100 JerryRice80 0-1 -100 Jettson12 1-1-1 +0 Jimmy NBA 13-13 +0 Jimmysidekick 0-3 -300 Jimmywins1 0-1 -100 JimsJohnson 0-1 -100 Jive Turkey 6-6 +0 JLzone 7-8 -100 Jmarkog 1-0 +100 Jnumbers 1-1 +0 JoeFan 1-0 +100 JohnnyBad 1-2 -100 JohnKimble 3-4 -100 JohnnyNumbers 1-3 -200 Johnnypicks 1-0 +100 Josec24 0-1 -100 Joshjacobs87 0-2 -200 JqChicago 1-0 +100 Jtbpbln 8-10 -200 Jtelemag 0-2 -200 Jt West 0-1 -100 Jukstapose 2-1 +100 Julius18 15-21-1 -600 K4ngur13 2-2 +0 Karkeskam 0-1 -100 Kasu 1-0-1 +100 KayN 1-0 +100 KCmac38 18-22-2 -400 Thanks for the props! Keepitstrict 4-3 +100 Ken9198 1-0 +100 Kenpachi 0-1 -100 Kevincasey843 1-0 +100 Khmerkid 20-20-2 +0 KillerKardoogan 1-0 +100 Kimats 1-0-1 +100 King55dez 9-11-1 -200 KingDat74 1-3 -200 KingKappy128 2-2 +0 KixMix 1-0 +100 KnightofSorrow 1-0 +100 Knockhouse 1-0 +100 Komatsu 2-1 +100 Krg 3-6 -300 Ktown 1-0 +100 Lacral 0-1 -100 LaDaddy 1-1 -0 Lady Luck 1-0 +100 Laker34kb 0-1 -100 LakeShowtime 1-0 +100 Lapic 0-1 -100 Lionheart58 1-0 +100 Little Fish 1-0 +100 Livestrong4 0-4 -400 LockBet 0-1 -100 Logica1 0-1 -100 LoneWolf78 2-10 +100 Longusa 15-20-1 -500 LoserNation 1-0 +100 Loubs33 0-2 -200 Louis IV 4-10 -600 LowKey252 1-0 +100