Chump 63-35 (64%)*** +28
Iwm8888 31-9 (78%)*** +22
Jcts 59-39 (60%)** +20
Pjlvio 57-38 (62%)** +19
Dabuffman 34-15 (69%)** +19
Wildcats08 27-8 (77%)*** +19
Kings55dez 47-28 (63%)*** +19
CharlieM 51-33 (61%)*** +18
ZuCrow 34-16 (68%)*** +18
Aselsan 40-23 (63%)* +17
Jcincis 37-21 (64%)** +16
Rufus1966 36-20 (64%)* +16
Tomius 40-24 (63%)* +16
Make-It-Rain 34-20 (63%)** +14
Nosaiddate 24-10 (71%)* +14
Nyczyoungn 37-23 (62%)*** +14
Jlzone 29-16 (64%)**
Woolfy 24-11 (69%)**
Bella42 35-22 (61%)** +13
Lacral 27-14 (66%)** +13
Bobup 37-25 (60%)* +12
Makisig 36-24 (60%)*** +12
Yoyo 21-9 (70%)**
Joeythetuna 16-5 (76%)** +11
Geronimo6 24-13 (65%)*** +11
Chump 63-35 (64%)*** +28
Iwm8888 31-9 (78%)*** +22
Jcts 59-39 (60%)** +20
Pjlvio 57-38 (62%)** +19
Dabuffman 34-15 (69%)** +19
Wildcats08 27-8 (77%)*** +19
Kings55dez 47-28 (63%)*** +19
CharlieM 51-33 (61%)*** +18
ZuCrow 34-16 (68%)*** +18
Aselsan 40-23 (63%)* +17
Jcincis 37-21 (64%)** +16
Rufus1966 36-20 (64%)* +16
Tomius 40-24 (63%)* +16
Make-It-Rain 34-20 (63%)** +14
Nosaiddate 24-10 (71%)* +14
Nyczyoungn 37-23 (62%)*** +14
Jlzone 29-16 (64%)**
Woolfy 24-11 (69%)**
Bella42 35-22 (61%)** +13
Lacral 27-14 (66%)** +13
Bobup 37-25 (60%)* +12
Makisig 36-24 (60%)*** +12
Yoyo 21-9 (70%)**
Joeythetuna 16-5 (76%)** +11
Geronimo6 24-13 (65%)*** +11
Oddsbuster 13-3 (81%)** +10
CrazyMilkMan 24-15 (62%)*** +9
JMack7_14 19-10 (66%)**
MrDips7 16-7 (70%)*** +9
RobertGould79 14-5 (74%)** +9
Yakispoker 24-16 (60%)*** +8
Air23blc 13-5 (72%)*** +8
Redlad 17-9 (65%)*** +8
TonyMack 17-9 (65%)** +8
Gwynn8 12-5
(71%)*** +7
Jmitseff 17-10 (63%)*** +7
Bmoose11 11-4 (73%)*
DaThunder84 12-6 (67%)***
Fuman123 11-5 (69%)* +6
Stork19 17-11 (61%)** +6
SwanDawg95 14-8 (64%)** +6
Djbmillz1 10-5 (67%)*** +5
KnightOfSorrow 13-8 (62%)*** +5
Xraydonnie 15-9 (63%)*** +6
Mahoney2184 10-6 (63%)*** +4
Chaparropicks 9-5 (64%)* +4
Easy4Me 11-7 (61%)* +4
Gah824 7-4 (64%)*** +3
Oddsbuster 13-3 (81%)** +10
CrazyMilkMan 24-15 (62%)*** +9
JMack7_14 19-10 (66%)**
MrDips7 16-7 (70%)*** +9
RobertGould79 14-5 (74%)** +9
Yakispoker 24-16 (60%)*** +8
Air23blc 13-5 (72%)*** +8
Redlad 17-9 (65%)*** +8
TonyMack 17-9 (65%)** +8
Gwynn8 12-5
(71%)*** +7
Jmitseff 17-10 (63%)*** +7
Bmoose11 11-4 (73%)*
DaThunder84 12-6 (67%)***
Fuman123 11-5 (69%)* +6
Stork19 17-11 (61%)** +6
SwanDawg95 14-8 (64%)** +6
Djbmillz1 10-5 (67%)*** +5
KnightOfSorrow 13-8 (62%)*** +5
Xraydonnie 15-9 (63%)*** +6
Mahoney2184 10-6 (63%)*** +4
Chaparropicks 9-5 (64%)* +4
Easy4Me 11-7 (61%)* +4
Gah824 7-4 (64%)*** +3
The Others:
$$$ 0-1
$$YoungBuck$$ 5-5
1Hit Take All 34-31-1
1904Baller 22-21-3
1983WandM 0-1
1Winner22 6-7
24themoney13 0-2
2ForTheMoney23 5-6
3ger 1-1
4andGoal 1-3
4Seasons 26-20***
5K401 0-0-1
8722Raven 22-22
A-hoo 0-2
Aalon 2-2
ABoogie 2-0
Accdino 1-0 No half time plays accepted.
Ace93112 15-17
Aceredmond05 0-1
ActionJello 7-5
AcuraNSX 0-2
Admirals05 11-14
Ag-e81 1-2
Adams83 1-0
Adio290909 0-2
Ajogin 11-13
Akison123 4-1
Akshun 9-16
Akwon3 5-5
AlfaQ 0-2
Alijivani 2-2
Allamay1608 2-5
AllDayGambler28 4-2
Allornothin 1-2
Altfader 2-2
Alvinsy1989 1-2
Alvpaluv06 1-2
AlwaysHigh 23-24
Amf07 9-7***
Anakinsky36 13-11
Andreagassi6969 0-3
Andyfiglio69 2-1
Annunaki 0-5
AnOusOnE 2-2
Ant731 3-4-1
Anti-Clutch 13-12
Anya 37-29**
Apoz1289 0-1
ArmedNAruba 5-4-1
Arsenal588 25-19 (57%)** +6
AshDogs 8-9
Atenean Capper 5-4
Atlantaace 27-44
AtlFader 1-5
Atxcojo 0-2
Aussie Battler 42-40
Automatic8 1-0
AxnChief 0-2
AZcats11 11-8***
AZchamp 0-1
The Others:
$$$ 0-1
$$YoungBuck$$ 5-5
1Hit Take All 34-31-1
1904Baller 22-21-3
1983WandM 0-1
1Winner22 6-7
24themoney13 0-2
2ForTheMoney23 5-6
3ger 1-1
4andGoal 1-3
4Seasons 26-20***
5K401 0-0-1
8722Raven 22-22
A-hoo 0-2
Aalon 2-2
ABoogie 2-0
Accdino 1-0 No half time plays accepted.
Ace93112 15-17
Aceredmond05 0-1
ActionJello 7-5
AcuraNSX 0-2
Admirals05 11-14
Ag-e81 1-2
Adams83 1-0
Adio290909 0-2
Ajogin 11-13
Akison123 4-1
Akshun 9-16
Akwon3 5-5
AlfaQ 0-2
Alijivani 2-2
Allamay1608 2-5
AllDayGambler28 4-2
Allornothin 1-2
Altfader 2-2
Alvinsy1989 1-2
Alvpaluv06 1-2
AlwaysHigh 23-24
Amf07 9-7***
Anakinsky36 13-11
Andreagassi6969 0-3
Andyfiglio69 2-1
Annunaki 0-5
AnOusOnE 2-2
Ant731 3-4-1
Anti-Clutch 13-12
Anya 37-29**
Apoz1289 0-1
ArmedNAruba 5-4-1
Arsenal588 25-19 (57%)** +6
AshDogs 8-9
Atenean Capper 5-4
Atlantaace 27-44
AtlFader 1-5
Atxcojo 0-2
Aussie Battler 42-40
Automatic8 1-0
AxnChief 0-2
AZcats11 11-8***
AZchamp 0-1
Babs1540 1-6
Bacon03 3-5-1
Bahtchi415 16-24
theBaker 1-1
Bama06 3-2
Bamamansports 1-0
Banans 2-2
Bander16 2-1
Baqu 7-14 Sorry no half bets accepted.
Barcksdale 23-23-1
BarneyBeans 0-3
Baseball10 8-8-1
BaseballFan566 1-0
Bastage 3-0
Bat-Cave 4-12-1
theBayAreaBeast 2-3
BayAreaBookie 17-20
Beanamus 15-17
Bee28s 0-2
BengalFan9 55-47
BennytheJet 1-1
BermudaIsland 4-6
Bet the Hook 4-0
BetCityOG 1-0
BetEz 13-21
Betforumdotse 0-3
BetterThanYou 0-1
BHF76 13-19-1
BigBdawg125 2-1
BigCatus 1-0
BigDaddydago8 0-3
BigEd209 0-1
Bigfoot 11-15
BigFrank420 0-3
BigGame90 0-2
BigGameBG 2-0
BigHillBilly 0-3
Biggpoppa 0-1
Babs1540 1-6
Bacon03 3-5-1
Bahtchi415 16-24
theBaker 1-1
Bama06 3-2
Bamamansports 1-0
Banans 2-2
Bander16 2-1
Baqu 7-14 Sorry no half bets accepted.
Barcksdale 23-23-1
BarneyBeans 0-3
Baseball10 8-8-1
BaseballFan566 1-0
Bastage 3-0
Bat-Cave 4-12-1
theBayAreaBeast 2-3
BayAreaBookie 17-20
Beanamus 15-17
Bee28s 0-2
BengalFan9 55-47
BennytheJet 1-1
BermudaIsland 4-6
Bet the Hook 4-0
BetCityOG 1-0
BetEz 13-21
Betforumdotse 0-3
BetterThanYou 0-1
BHF76 13-19-1
BigBdawg125 2-1
BigCatus 1-0
BigDaddydago8 0-3
BigEd209 0-1
Bigfoot 11-15
BigFrank420 0-3
BigGame90 0-2
BigGameBG 2-0
BigHillBilly 0-3
Biggpoppa 0-1
BigTex12 1-0
BigWhip 1-2
BillisR21 7-8
Binions 11-9**
Binka34 5-7
Bizcuits 0-1
theBizness 1-0
Biznessman6582 7-4(64%)
BJ22 1-2
Blackace23 3-2
Blazeh4ze 2-1
Blenderman420 0-1
Bloody Sunday 0-1
BlueKoala 19-15
BlueStreaks23 4-4
Bmag21 1-4
Boberts427 0-1
Bobgass 0-1
Bolt 7-3 (70%)*
BonesAR 4-6
Boogieman80 21-19
Book101 4-6
Boomersooner42 12-15
Booshasta 0-1
Boosty16 9-10
Borat38 3-5
Borisactor 1-0
BossRaff 7-5
Boston3Party 12-13-1
BostonGeorge24 3-3
Botk 4-5
BountyHounter 3-5
BoWilson12 3-6
Boyboy 10-10
Brandone 0-3
Brazz 4-6
Breadman00 1-3
Breezymain 0-1
BrentKnows 2-1
Brian090 10-9
BridgeViewGuru 3-6
Broncod 2-1
BrownDog 22-17
Brp27345 0-1
BrucieMars 1-0
BucciO20 0-1
Buckeyeindian24 2-1
Buckubad 1-0
Bulubulu 0-1
Burnetto57 15-14
Bunnell001 14-11
BuzzCat 41-54
BigTex12 1-0
BigWhip 1-2
BillisR21 7-8
Binions 11-9**
Binka34 5-7
Bizcuits 0-1
theBizness 1-0
Biznessman6582 7-4(64%)
BJ22 1-2
Blackace23 3-2
Blazeh4ze 2-1
Blenderman420 0-1
Bloody Sunday 0-1
BlueKoala 19-15
BlueStreaks23 4-4
Bmag21 1-4
Boberts427 0-1
Bobgass 0-1
Bolt 7-3 (70%)*
BonesAR 4-6
Boogieman80 21-19
Book101 4-6
Boomersooner42 12-15
Booshasta 0-1
Boosty16 9-10
Borat38 3-5
Borisactor 1-0
BossRaff 7-5
Boston3Party 12-13-1
BostonGeorge24 3-3
Botk 4-5
BountyHounter 3-5
BoWilson12 3-6
Boyboy 10-10
Brandone 0-3
Brazz 4-6
Breadman00 1-3
Breezymain 0-1
BrentKnows 2-1
Brian090 10-9
BridgeViewGuru 3-6
Broncod 2-1
BrownDog 22-17
Brp27345 0-1
BrucieMars 1-0
BucciO20 0-1
Buckeyeindian24 2-1
Buckubad 1-0
Bulubulu 0-1
Burnetto57 15-14
Bunnell001 14-11
BuzzCat 41-54
C-Lube 3-3
Caduff24 0-3
Calanis2 1-2
Caliguy42 1-0
Call Me Lucky 0-2
CamRon 5-7
CanadaChris 15-5 (75%)
Capeteco 2-1
Captailor 5-3*
Carmona 0-2
Cargen 4-3
Carlat 0-3
Casanova27 0-2-1
CashIsKing 1-2
CelticsFan34 1-0
Chach182 18-17-1
Chard 0-1
Chasclem 10-15
Chasing2Day 17-14
Chess1 2-2
Chi2809 0-2
Chicawowwow 0-2
Chiefs3 0-1
Chilitokid 0-1
Chillinmcm 11-16
Chiludo67 1-1
Chitownwagers 0-1
Chodya 15-21
Chojin 1-2
Choronz1225 17-5 (77%)
Chrisb02us 10-8***
Chuck110781 19-10 (66%) +9
Cincinnati39n85 0-1
Cjsimcoe 0-6
ClassyAnski 0-1
ClutchCity 1-0
CMJohnson1 35-38
Coin Flip5050 1-2
ColdSmoke 2-5
ComaColja 1-0
CombinationKeys 6-2 (75%)
Comm 5-2*
Compita luigi 8-6**
Condor79 1-8
Coreyg1292 5-5
CorporalJoker 2-2
Cosgolf919 0-1
Coughee 1-0
Cowboys76 0-1
Cowboys95 7-10
Cox37 12-9
C-Lube 3-3
Caduff24 0-3
Calanis2 1-2
Caliguy42 1-0
Call Me Lucky 0-2
CamRon 5-7
CanadaChris 15-5 (75%)
Capeteco 2-1
Captailor 5-3*
Carmona 0-2
Cargen 4-3
Carlat 0-3
Casanova27 0-2-1
CashIsKing 1-2
CelticsFan34 1-0
Chach182 18-17-1
Chard 0-1
Chasclem 10-15
Chasing2Day 17-14
Chess1 2-2
Chi2809 0-2
Chicawowwow 0-2
Chiefs3 0-1
Chilitokid 0-1
Chillinmcm 11-16
Chiludo67 1-1
Chitownwagers 0-1
Chodya 15-21
Chojin 1-2
Choronz1225 17-5 (77%)
Chrisb02us 10-8***
Chuck110781 19-10 (66%) +9
Cincinnati39n85 0-1
Cjsimcoe 0-6
ClassyAnski 0-1
ClutchCity 1-0
CMJohnson1 35-38
Coin Flip5050 1-2
ColdSmoke 2-5
ComaColja 1-0
CombinationKeys 6-2 (75%)
Comm 5-2*
Compita luigi 8-6**
Condor79 1-8
Coreyg1292 5-5
CorporalJoker 2-2
Cosgolf919 0-1
Coughee 1-0
Cowboys76 0-1
Cowboys95 7-10
Cox37 12-9
Cperg21 1-3
CrazySerb 12-12
Creepa 1-1
Criddy 5-4
Crockie 35-31
theCrook118 6-7
Cryhavoc 1-6
theChunny 1-1
Ct1016 1-0
Cutigerfan73 1-2
Cutito 2-0
CWeb1296 1-2
Cyalx 1-0
Cypress 1-1
Cyton 3-3
D rail76 0-1
Daanswerms3 1-1-1
DaBoyz 4-0
Dac9123 1-2
Daddyphatsacks 3-1
Dagsr 3-1-1
Dare 11-8 (58%)*** +3
Dat Dude 602 8-7
DabluPrint22 1-2
DangerZone 26-30-1
Danieltx 11-10
theDank1028 5-5
DannyMaster 42-33
DannySports 0-3
DannyV2 47-42
DanTheMan61079 0-1
DarelzADarkside 6-3**
DarnBuckeyes 1-0
Daqdow 3-1
DashForAsh 12-7 (63%)
Datinhplay 1-3
Davidoliver2406 4-4
Davisz 0-1
Dbear808 2-2-1
Dcrid 17-14
Ddmweb 0-1
Degenerateslob 1-0
Degrees1 0-3
Dencol 13-8-3 (62%)
DertyDude 8-14
DesktopQB 1-4
DetriotBadBoy 4-6
DetroitDog 1-0
Dg508king69 1-3
Dglaze91 7-1***
DiamondD 5-3
DimeForNine 8-9
Dimitar75 2-6
DirtySanchez 1-1
Djspurlz 5-2
Djmarks71 0-1
Djminny 0-1
DND 27-19-1
Dns5010 0-0
Dnguyen59 5-1
Dodger Blue 16-21
Dogjimbo 50-51
DogsLoveTrucks 0-1
Dolphins84 1-0
Dominike 0-2
Dontbookme 1-1
Dontbreakdasyph 7-9
Dota techie 10-8****
Cperg21 1-3
CrazySerb 12-12
Creepa 1-1
Criddy 5-4
Crockie 35-31
theCrook118 6-7
Cryhavoc 1-6
theChunny 1-1
Ct1016 1-0
Cutigerfan73 1-2
Cutito 2-0
CWeb1296 1-2
Cyalx 1-0
Cypress 1-1
Cyton 3-3
D rail76 0-1
Daanswerms3 1-1-1
DaBoyz 4-0
Dac9123 1-2
Daddyphatsacks 3-1
Dagsr 3-1-1
Dare 11-8 (58%)*** +3
Dat Dude 602 8-7
DabluPrint22 1-2
DangerZone 26-30-1
Danieltx 11-10
theDank1028 5-5
DannyMaster 42-33
DannySports 0-3
DannyV2 47-42
DanTheMan61079 0-1
DarelzADarkside 6-3**
DarnBuckeyes 1-0
Daqdow 3-1
DashForAsh 12-7 (63%)
Datinhplay 1-3
Davidoliver2406 4-4
Davisz 0-1
Dbear808 2-2-1
Dcrid 17-14
Ddmweb 0-1
Degenerateslob 1-0
Degrees1 0-3
Dencol 13-8-3 (62%)
DertyDude 8-14
DesktopQB 1-4
DetriotBadBoy 4-6
DetroitDog 1-0
Dg508king69 1-3
Dglaze91 7-1***
DiamondD 5-3
DimeForNine 8-9
Dimitar75 2-6
DirtySanchez 1-1
Djspurlz 5-2
Djmarks71 0-1
Djminny 0-1
DND 27-19-1
Dns5010 0-0
Dnguyen59 5-1
Dodger Blue 16-21
Dogjimbo 50-51
DogsLoveTrucks 0-1
Dolphins84 1-0
Dominike 0-2
Dontbookme 1-1
Dontbreakdasyph 7-9
Dota techie 10-8****
Eagleshot 8-11
EarlyBaby 0-1
EastCoastBias 24-12 (67%)*
Easy Cover 15-15
EasyMoney 19-15
EasyMoney4Me 0-2
EasyPicks1 0-3
EatAndRun 0-1
EB6 4-2
Echow87 2-3
Edsfarm 7-5
Einstein13 32-33
Einyx 2-2
Ejd3 2-5
Elaine Valerio 12-14
Elemental 2-2
Eltimexpert 3-6
Eugenia trinh 55-53-3
Evangelsun 4-3*
Evilsnake 1-0
ExpertCapper 0-1
ExtraCash 1-0
Ezerik101 5-11
Fah Q 4-2
Fairington 1-0
FarmBoy1966 0-1-1
Fatdan215 9-12
Fathomable 31-33-1
FBH 4-5
Feelinmahself 0-3
Feihong 1-1
FibersparGuy 0-2
Firsttimeru2 0-1
FishnGritz 7-10
Flash69 1-0
FlippaCoin 2-5
Flschbrger 0-1
FlushingHearts 3-1
FmFamily 7-7
Forty7 17-22
theFoundation 0-1
FrankieF15 1-2
FreeAgent 2-1
theFrenchie 0-2
Frikdog07 2-2
FrontPage78 2-3
Fuegosan 1-2
Fungusfosho 0-1
Eagleshot 8-11
EarlyBaby 0-1
EastCoastBias 24-12 (67%)*
Easy Cover 15-15
EasyMoney 19-15
EasyMoney4Me 0-2
EasyPicks1 0-3
EatAndRun 0-1
EB6 4-2
Echow87 2-3
Edsfarm 7-5
Einstein13 32-33
Einyx 2-2
Ejd3 2-5
Elaine Valerio 12-14
Elemental 2-2
Eltimexpert 3-6
Eugenia trinh 55-53-3
Evangelsun 4-3*
Evilsnake 1-0
ExpertCapper 0-1
ExtraCash 1-0
Ezerik101 5-11
Fah Q 4-2
Fairington 1-0
FarmBoy1966 0-1-1
Fatdan215 9-12
Fathomable 31-33-1
FBH 4-5
Feelinmahself 0-3
Feihong 1-1
FibersparGuy 0-2
Firsttimeru2 0-1
FishnGritz 7-10
Flash69 1-0
FlippaCoin 2-5
Flschbrger 0-1
FlushingHearts 3-1
FmFamily 7-7
Forty7 17-22
theFoundation 0-1
FrankieF15 1-2
FreeAgent 2-1
theFrenchie 0-2
Frikdog07 2-2
FrontPage78 2-3
Fuegosan 1-2
Fungusfosho 0-1
Gabbyxxx 3-5
Gamble28 1-1
GamblingHustler 4-5
Gamblinglord23 4-6
Gamebreaker22 2-0
Gameface 1-1
Ganderguy63 0-3-1
Garywpt 4-7
Gcee 9-3 (75%)*
Gennaro53 2-6
Georgia321 1-3
GetMoney45 3-3
Gigumaster 2-2
Gilboze 2-1
Gillamonsta 1-3
Gimmemines 0-1
Ginder123 3-1
Glefkb01 1-2
Glenndef62 26-18-1
Gmoney21 19-21-1
Gpicks 2-0
Go2Guys 4-5-1
Goaldlocks 3-2
Goatmc 45-46
GoBradleyGo 0-1
GoBlue74 3-5
GoCougs 0-1
Godslion 7-8
Golfing123 5-3*
Gomer 3-5
Gomtuu 1-2
GotAHunch 3-0
GotGame74 2-4
Gottafeedmykidz 1-0
Gottawintonight 1-0
Government 4-6
Gr8ts1 0-1
GreekGinobili 3-0
Green7 0-1
GreenGrass 0-1
GreenMachine22 1-3
Griffin8s 14-15
Grindinunits420 7-7
Grindstone 13-10
Grover15 0-1
Guru37 7-4 (64%)
Gustoplay282 1-1
Gwarner27 5-9
Gabbyxxx 3-5
Gamble28 1-1
GamblingHustler 4-5
Gamblinglord23 4-6
Gamebreaker22 2-0
Gameface 1-1
Ganderguy63 0-3-1
Garywpt 4-7
Gcee 9-3 (75%)*
Gennaro53 2-6
Georgia321 1-3
GetMoney45 3-3
Gigumaster 2-2
Gilboze 2-1
Gillamonsta 1-3
Gimmemines 0-1
Ginder123 3-1
Glefkb01 1-2
Glenndef62 26-18-1
Gmoney21 19-21-1
Gpicks 2-0
Go2Guys 4-5-1
Goaldlocks 3-2
Goatmc 45-46
GoBradleyGo 0-1
GoBlue74 3-5
GoCougs 0-1
Godslion 7-8
Golfing123 5-3*
Gomer 3-5
Gomtuu 1-2
GotAHunch 3-0
GotGame74 2-4
Gottafeedmykidz 1-0
Gottawintonight 1-0
Government 4-6
Gr8ts1 0-1
GreekGinobili 3-0
Green7 0-1
GreenGrass 0-1
GreenMachine22 1-3
Griffin8s 14-15
Grindinunits420 7-7
Grindstone 13-10
Grover15 0-1
Guru37 7-4 (64%)
Gustoplay282 1-1
Gwarner27 5-9
Haager3 18-18-1
Hakattack1 2-3
Ham3381 0-2
Hammr 1-1
Hammy12 2-2
HandsomePete 6-4 (60%)
Hank55 15-11
Hannowsky77 0-1
HappyEnding 19-23
HappyHalloween 7-7
Harb74 1-0
Hardeestar 5-3***
HaroldnHarold 1-1
Hastiinshash 49-35
Hastric 12-9
Hattt34 0-2
HBomb7 27-34
HD2020 1-0
Healyja1 8-13
HeavenOnEarth 11-12
HeavyGunner 4-3
Heelsman 0-1
HEvans 0-1
Hieunguyen 0-1
Highway 100 58-66
theHistorian 7-4 (64%)
Histprof71 16-5 (76%)
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Hulvible_1 0-1
HoldenRg 16-12***+4
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HoyasSax 1-0
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HuskieFan123 9-4 (69%)** +5
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HuskieFan123 9-4 (69%)** +5
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Jersey973 0-3
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Jfio626 11-18
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Jmt908 1-1
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Johan60edin 8-11
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Jono181 1-1
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JCWhy83 20-26
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JerryJones81 4-3
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Jfio626 11-18
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Jimdapimp 18-10 (64%)***
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JimTressel 23-15 (61%)
JiveTurkey 25-33
Jizzer 19-19-3
Jkc310 39-27 (59%)** +12
Jkurete 4-2
Jlovie 4-5
Jmak22 11-12
Jmac33 1-0
Jmarkog 17-12 (59%)
Jmt908 1-1
JoeBlanco 2-1
JoeVienna 1-1
Johan60edin 8-11
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Joshuac04 13-15
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Jrchief32 1-1
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Jslu1217 5-6
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JWheels86 1-1
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Kev3434 2-2
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Kevdeec26 11-5 (69%) +6
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Kevone623 0-1
Khmerkid 48-43
theKidfromC 31-28-2
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KnightRyder 11-8 (58%)** +3
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JRuss81 13-14-1
Jslu1217 5-6
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Julius18 14-7 (67%)
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JWagner85 2-2
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Kaponofor3 1-2
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KC_A 27-16-1 (63%)
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Kdogs58 1-1
Kenyonlv 18-25
Kev3434 2-2
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Kevdeec26 11-5 (69%) +6
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KevinJames 1-4
Kevone623 0-1
Khmerkid 48-43
theKidfromC 31-28-2
Kikkoman 2-3
Killawhalecope 4-3
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KingIII 1-3
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Kmac52986 3-0
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KnightRyder 11-8 (58%)** +3
Knowitall101 1-2
Koopa24 10-12
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Ladietearzdrop 0-1
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Lak3show 9-7****
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Lannybrains 7-4 (64%)
Lapic22 0-1
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LaxEagle85 0-2
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LeafNation93 2-8-1
Lebron 11-8
Libra2008 23-24-1
LionHeartedD 26-19
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LongDauber 24-17 (59%)*** +7
Looch17 12-19
LosEsco25 4-0*
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Lxnew2000 30-23
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Ladietearzdrop 0-1
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Lak3show 9-7****
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Lannybrains 7-4 (64%)
Lapic22 0-1
Lawstyle 0-1
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LeafNation93 2-8-1
Lebron 11-8
Libra2008 23-24-1
LionHeartedD 26-19
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LongDauber 24-17 (59%)*** +7
Looch17 12-19
LosEsco25 4-0*
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Lovemeinto 0-1
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LTrain14 21-21
Lts41 17-19
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Lumpiddy 11-8***
Lvhssr2002 10-15
Lxnew2000 30-23
M15525 5-2***
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Macdak43 17-17
Mad_Skillz123 59-44
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MalcomReynolds 36-29
theManDango 0-1
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Mansiu77 1-5
Marksteg22 3-5
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Martino9 2-2
Masjes 1-0
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Mavirino 2-4
Max84 1-2
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McAlpine 9-3 (75%) +6
Mcfarlanehissdogg 2-1
Mclinnard 10-14
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Meidzo 8-10
MemphisMan 7-8
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Mgilson15 4-8
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Michaelino985 8-1*
Michelob44 2-1
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Mika23g 4-3
Mike1156 0-1
Mikeg2813308004 8-8
Mikenice 1-4
MikeShelton31 23-23
MikeyTreeeez24 1-1
Millerfor3 1-0
Millermn03 1-0
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Mistahfob 5-4**
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Mojo10 14-15
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MoneyMaker14 5-5
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Monster608 6-9
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Mpnyc76 9-10
M15525 5-2***
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Macakron19 0-1
Macdak43 17-17
Mad_Skillz123 59-44
Madashman 61-63
Madfool 1-0
Madero21 2-0
Maestro664 1-0
Majorpicker 2-1
MalcomReynolds 36-29
theManDango 0-1
ManEater71 0-1
Maniax 5-6-1
Manifesto 34-31
MannMade 0-2
Mansiu77 1-5
Marksteg22 3-5
Marsh12 3-5
Martino9 2-2
Masjes 1-0
Masterkush 4-7
MattGarto 1-1
Mavirino 2-4
Max84 1-2
Maybe1443 15-16-1
McAlpine 9-3 (75%) +6
Mcfarlanehissdogg 2-1
Mclinnard 10-14
Mcthatch37 10-20
Mdnj5507 0-1
MeatWhistle 1-0
Meidzo 8-10
MemphisMan 7-8
Metman2103 2-2
Mgilson15 4-8
Mgutmans02 1-0
Michaelino985 8-1*
Michelob44 2-1
MidnightToker 4-3
Miggy012790 2-1
Mika23g 4-3
Mike1156 0-1
Mikeg2813308004 8-8
Mikenice 1-4
MikeShelton31 23-23
MikeyTreeeez24 1-1
Millerfor3 1-0
Millermn03 1-0
MiniDream 1-0
MinnesotaHomer 2-0
Mistahfob 5-4**
MisterMoss 2-6
MissStCapper 0-1
Mizzourah86 2-1
Mkhizon 13-14-1
Mjgasp 4-6
Mjpaint1 1-2
Mltallboy 0-1
MMAfan 0-1
Mmxx12 1-3
Mohjo 0-2
Mojo10 14-15
Mond 28-35
MoneyMaker14 5-5
MoneyShot 1-0
MoneyTalks79 1-2
Monster608 6-9
Moziggy 1-0
Mpnyc76 9-10
NBA-Plus 0-1
NBAcalculator 31-30
NBAfan88 20-22
NeoJhim3 0-3
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Niceguymark2 9-10****
Nico59 7-6
Nikoy23 6-9
Nish25leo 1-1
Nness75 0-2-1
NittyLion22 1-0
NoFadeZone 1-2
NonoyLambol 3-4-1
NoSaintnsss 8-12
Nrvana 10-12
Nuggetsfan 0-4
Nuts4theBall 20-18
NY69 2-1
Nybookmaker 3-5
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Odieboy 17-26
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Ohfd 8-9
Ohioshad 0-2
Omard07 1-2
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OmShanti 8-4 (67%)
Ooneethree13 0-2
NBA-Plus 0-1
NBAcalculator 31-30
NBAfan88 20-22
NeoJhim3 0-3
Nevermind 1-0
Newkid 1-5
Ngu 0-1
Nguy3n 1-4
Nguy3nt 0-2
Nguyenthe 0-2
Niceguymark2 9-10****
Nico59 7-6
Nikoy23 6-9
Nish25leo 1-1
Nness75 0-2-1
NittyLion22 1-0
NoFadeZone 1-2
NonoyLambol 3-4-1
NoSaintnsss 8-12
Nrvana 10-12
Nuggetsfan 0-4
Nuts4theBall 20-18
NY69 2-1
Nybookmaker 3-5
NYstrgisld 0-1
Odieboy 17-26
Oddsmaker503 0-1
Offnever 4-9
Ohfd 8-9
Ohioshad 0-2
Omard07 1-2
OmriKi 1-2
OmShanti 8-4 (67%)
Ooneethree13 0-2
Paco1018 13-9
Pama 0-1
Paoxpao 2-5
PapaFleks 0-3
Parabola 5-9
Paris-H 0-1
ParlayBait 0-2
thePatriot 10-10
PatsDynasty 0-3
Pauliswilling 0-1
Pcb525 0-1
Pchee 1-0
Pdg893 23-16 (59%)*** +7
PDudek7263 11-18
Peiprophet 10-15
Pennyman 6-6
Perry2jm 6-10
Peta 3-0
Pete_95973 5-3*
Pfk51169 46-49
Pgambla 5-10
Pgram13 1-0
PGvision 1-0
Phat03 40-39
PhillyChamps34 1-2
Phillyfool 0-1
PhillyGuru 2-3
PhilthyRich727 1-2
PickNroll 5-6
thePicksRHere 0-1
PickThen6 2-3
PicPoppa 4-4
PiggyBanker 18-15
PigSkinPics 7-7
Pimpson 1-3
Pinnacle 6-8
Pitt218 1-1
Play-Maker 1-0
Player 0-1
PobiegliBlisko 11-11
Poboy54236 17-22
Poison66 1-1
PokherPlayher 0-1
PonyBoy 1-0-1
PoorBoys2K 3-4
Poorguy 1-2
Porcho222 20-16
PorkyPig 17-20-2
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Pozoker 11-23
Prendi 1-0
PrenticeGT 0-1
Procap305 0-1
Proguy747 5-7
PRweaver 6-9
Psantana357 4-0
Punch the Bookie 5-4
PunkAssMutha 1-0
Put-It-Here 0-1
Putz56 0-2
Q80Star 2-2
Quangbui 5-6
Paco1018 13-9
Pama 0-1
Paoxpao 2-5
PapaFleks 0-3
Parabola 5-9
Paris-H 0-1
ParlayBait 0-2
thePatriot 10-10
PatsDynasty 0-3
Pauliswilling 0-1
Pcb525 0-1
Pchee 1-0
Pdg893 23-16 (59%)*** +7
PDudek7263 11-18
Peiprophet 10-15
Pennyman 6-6
Perry2jm 6-10
Peta 3-0
Pete_95973 5-3*
Pfk51169 46-49
Pgambla 5-10
Pgram13 1-0
PGvision 1-0
Phat03 40-39
PhillyChamps34 1-2
Phillyfool 0-1
PhillyGuru 2-3
PhilthyRich727 1-2
PickNroll 5-6
thePicksRHere 0-1
PickThen6 2-3
PicPoppa 4-4
PiggyBanker 18-15
PigSkinPics 7-7
Pimpson 1-3
Pinnacle 6-8
Pitt218 1-1
Play-Maker 1-0
Player 0-1
PobiegliBlisko 11-11
Poboy54236 17-22
Poison66 1-1
PokherPlayher 0-1
PonyBoy 1-0-1
PoorBoys2K 3-4
Poorguy 1-2
Porcho222 20-16
PorkyPig 17-20-2
Post-it-here 0-1
Pozoker 11-23
Prendi 1-0
PrenticeGT 0-1
Procap305 0-1
Proguy747 5-7
PRweaver 6-9
Psantana357 4-0
Punch the Bookie 5-4
PunkAssMutha 1-0
Put-It-Here 0-1
Putz56 0-2
Q80Star 2-2
Quangbui 5-6
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