Oh really,, well then dont be clownin on others that in here that have nothing bad to say either,, I have stayed out of all this useless bickering,, but I dont aprreciate you tryin to clown on someone else man,, its all about being positive and makin money,, the only competition I have is with the Oddsmakers,, thats it,, money is the goal here , not attention and fame,, if you did tail me and ya did read my posts , then you wouldnt be actin like that in here,, i guess it was only a matter of time, went the whole season without havin my threads look like some of these other clown threads do,, but I guess its my turn to have to deal with it,, And whats up with everyone tryin to post the opposite of me, lol, I dont care who you have or what your going with,, I try to lay low by not inflating my units,, but do you not realize,, that 180 units X 800 is the same as winning 18000 units for a 100 dollar per unit player?? I would be banned by now if I rolled like that,,, but since its not my goal to draw attention and only help others that want it,, I keep it low key,, so no more trash in here, anyone that wants to go opposite, just go start a thread and go the other way,, I dont even care if ya say your goin against me in your own thread,, could care less,,, just keep that trash and all your own plays outa here,, 75% of the time, none of you even show back up to say you were wrong, so its obvious your just hopin ya get one right,,lol,, I know most of you are youngsters in here, but if you really want to make it big, and you want to do this for a living, then chill out a little bit, and realize what it takes, Now onto the games,, Like I have said since day 1,, there will be good days and bad days,, but at the end of the season, all that matters is if you make a profit or not,, who cares if ya win a week or two then lose 4 weeks after that,, what good is that?? Its all about patience and consistency,,