I can't wait.
I am laying my non gambling money to this play, not my winnings, my winnings all this season already lost, all lost.
My own non gambling bankroll been cut too, big, because i lost the big play on Chi Atl remember.
i can't wait, if i win this one, i gonna bomb it again tomorrow. no hesitation.
How i wish i did take them yesterday rather than taking the Nets.
Sacramento Kings +12.5 $16000 BOMB.

If i lose, i will delete my 1st and only account on covers, because there is no another $16000 to bet anymore.
There is no hope on gaining back anymore.
I am ready to lose, if i lose, then i will be a minus $16000 man.
What's new, been there, gain that, lose that, gain back, lose again, gain big, gain bigger, lose again, win again, fcking asshole coward hesitating wagerer is no good sometimes.
I can win Hundred thousand dollars because i risk a lot, now i can lose all because of the same reason, bad, very bad, never learn.
I don't care anymore, i am this, not posting here i am this, posting here i am this, i just don't know when to stop when i win.
So this will be the end of the tunnel if i lose, if i win, you madafcking fool watch out i gonna bomb it again and again and again.
THIS IS WAR. You Prick Head Line Giver.

Good luck to me and to me and to myself.
Sacramento Kings +12.5

Score Prediction
Sac 255, Denver 250