Quote Originally Posted by Carpinteria:
Melossinglet I'm not stereotyping anyone. I'm calling it how it is. The people live like animals and have incredibly barbaric, moronic religious beliefs. The whole reason 9/11 happened was because of religion. The whole reason the middle east has been killing and fighting each other for centuries is cuz of religion. Women are treated like dogs over there, the men roam around as if theyre kings because they believe in a fake god that tells them that's how they should act. Theyre stuck in the stone age and unfortunately this country has lost a lot of good men dealing with these animals. Is every person over there a horrible person? Of course not, but it's a culture and lifestyle of stupidity and violence and I don't support it in any way, shape or form whatsoever. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you want people of other religions to die, and that's what A LOT of it is.
As far as me saying "come get me" or whatever that was just in response to him threatening me first. Obviously no one is meeting face to face get real dude. This Texan is the biggest pssy anyways he only spews his crap online.
I wasn't even gonna reply to you because I really don't care what you think but since we share the same opinion for the most part on religion I felt I'd elaborate a little.
In closing, if you don't like what I;m writing then take your own advice and don't read. I think its pretty "bizarre" that you think lying online is cool but talking shyt to that liar isn't. I'm gonna do what I wanna do whether you like it or not

"the people live like animals and have incredibly barbaric,moronic religious beliefs"....THATS YOUR OPINION!!!!!!!

....its not fact,its your opinion and its got nothing to do with this stranger texan1948,you aint got the faintest frickin idea how he lives or treats people do you??....even if i share the same views its not my place to abuse another race or religion just cos i dont like it....wats the difference between those nations fighting/killing over a fake god and your own blood-thirsty capitalist country fighting/killing over money/power/possession of things????...is either more pithy and unimportant than the other??of course youve been conditioned to think so because like most yanks youve probably been raised to worship at the altar of cash and material things.
ya see if ya really wanna break it down the way your own society functions is easily as sick and twisted as wat you are accusing other nations of being....raised to do anything to get ahead and make a buck,flooded with porn and filth every which way you look,addicted and distracted by trivial things like sports,most of the populations brains eventually addled and addicted to drugs or alcohol,racism rampant even tho ya try to constantly sweep it under the carpet,violence and promiscuity at probably unprecedented levels that would make medievel times look tame in comparison.......wow,look at you guys,youre sooooooooo evolved and advanced!!!.......the thing is thats wat youve been conditioned to learn and know so thats how you live.to sit on your high horse and say"this is the better way of life,here have sum democracy and sum technology!!" is so arrogant,ignorant and hypocritical that its laughable.
and in the end im guessing sumone like you hasnt got the faintest idea how little a society's members have to do with the way they function,it all comes from on top...monkey see monkey do you act how youre told to act,if your own government/authorities had dictated to you that you would live "like animals" so to speak with an antiquated religion and belief system then thats exactly wat you would do...do not act as if ya got free will in this and "chose" a superior way of life(which isnt actually superior anyway,its only your viewpoint).
not once have i said lying is cool...but wat the hell's the point in going on and on and on and on about it...the proof was always gonna be in the pudding,his record would show that he was lying so no point "screaming" at the dude every few days about wat a piece of trash he is....mite as well have just let the season play out and all will have been clear obviously