Sorry Tin and Humble. Looks like my presence has caused you guys' threads to become immensely out of whack.
I would like to learn more about 2nd halves and qtrs, but hey....I've done well for over 15 years on FG's and doubt that stops.
I actually thought I had a tad bit of respect in posting all my football plays over the season, but I'm not one most remember I guess.
I think it's best I don't post in your threads anymore and just post my plays in my own thread if I choose. Sure don't mean to cause you guys trouble with the idiots.
Here's my record with the bookie since August: (All documented at another forum)
Posted Sports Record Beginning Aug 8, 2010:
Last updated after games of 1/20/11
MLB: 64-52-2 (+11.12 u)
NFL: 37-25-0 (+7.11 u)
CFB: 90-90-3 (+7.35 u)
NHL 11-26-0 (-3.18 u)
NBA: 142-112-9 (+16.33 u)
CBB: 112-118-4 (-4.60 u)
POD: 5-2-0
Needs to be updated, of course, but not bad for a few months.
Good luck guys...didn't mean to cause trouble.