Quote Originally Posted by AfadeAday:
The people that are not accusing the NFL of anything, there's nothing for them to prove, as they think nothing is going on.
The guys that are accusing NFL of steering the games are saying the league is doing something specific, therefore the burden of proof is on them to SHOW that something. PROOF are not Youtube videos or internet articles. You telling other the NFL is entertainment, saying that there's too much money to not fix it, etc, is NOT PROOF, those statements are called opinions.
Proof is something that can't be argued in a courtroom. If you're going to have a conversation on the internet about some ridiculous theory, at least know the difference between proof and opinion.
WHOPPPPS there it is BRavo my man thats what i'm talking about high 5's ^to YOU ^
the only true fix i saw happen in an nfl game or rather haerd on Radio was when bush was going for second term ......that old goofy trend that if Redskins lost that week of election the incumbent president also lost.
well after game is over the radio announcer is screaming THATS IT BUSH IS OUT BUSH IS OUT tthe REDSKINS LOST BUSH IS OUT!
late in Game i read the fake call phantom flag from 40 yrads away by ref ...
Redskins scored a TD to take laed obver packers the TD was taken off the board by some wacko rule hardly ever used or something the ref made up that really didnt occur
Packers went on to Win romp and cover as tenny road chalk - 1 1/2 points.
LIKE wow how bad did the USA hate GW Bush they tried to do him in by fixing a game making the Wash. DC redskins lose who really do not reside in DC at all stadium is in near by West virgina.
oooooyeah the Year we had scab replacement refs in those 1st 5 weeks every game was fixed by them swallowing flags or over flagging and blowing whistles to end plays that were not over.
BUT that MNF historical fook up ended that and the thurs nighter Ravens game went off cleanly
still today too many rule changes every year thats why refs keep making mistakes if they curatil some of these of wacky rules there would be less crying of zebras fooking you over1
but it all equals out in the end 50-50 you lose and win on calls
Veags has no idea who wins or covers a spared yes they have avested interest in some games heavy action on one side but they have no more an idea who will win the game than you do!
HEY this aint like back to the future 2 wow imagine having 50 years of all sports results in your hand.
fook that give me 5 years i'l amass fortune 1st year start booking game myself next 4 years and bust every player in my city and other bookies pluse every off shore thats around OMG what will they do when i start winning 100% of the time?
of course it will only be 1 game per day spread the money around.
2000 a day split between 20 bookies and books nahhhhhhh only 730,000$ a year have to go for 5000 a day