The Vikings did dismantle the Saints once already and here is really why I am convinced that the Vikings are the play. I went up to US Bank Stadium on October 15 when the Packers were wear red hot in Rogers was just peeking and I'll tell you what I saw I saw the Super Bowl champions beat the living tar out of my Packers and leave them so confused I didn't even know what state they were in that's how bad it was they literally beat the stuffings out of him it was a physical whooping. I am mediately thought future is on Minnesota back when you can get her at 8 to 1 and that's been early December that's how convinced I was at what I just saw the problem is the Falcons look like a contender this year unlike the year that they went to the Super Bowl this team has a different look to it .in my humble opinion it would appear that the biking set up arrow well to play a team like the Saints and a team like the Falcons.I don't think your average Joe out there yet appreciates the value of US Bank Stadium it may well very be the most toughest place to play in the NFL just saying I've been there and those fans are jacked and they're also very classy fans to